The PlatformAPI unit provides interfaces to interact with and control RAD Studio aspects related to target platforms and devices.
You can use these interfaces to:
- Manage target platforms.
- Manage SDKs and connection profiles.
- List mobile devices and emulators or simulators detected by RAD Studio.
- Manage device-provisioning information.
- Manage the design-time information about devices.
- Handle connections between RAD Studio and the Platform Assistant server.
ConfigurationDisplayTitle | ConfigurationDisplayTitle returns the display name of the specified build configuration (IOTABuildConfiguration). |
PlatformIDToName |
AllPlatforms | AllPlatforms: Integer = $394DF; |
btAdHoc | btAdHoc: Integer = 1; |
btAppStore | btAppStore: Integer = 2; |
btDebug | btDebug: Integer = 0; |
btNormal | btNormal: Integer = 3; |
cAndroidArm32Platform | cAndroidArm32Platform: string = Android; |
cAndroidArm64Platform | cAndroidArm64Platform: string = Android64; |
cAndroidFamilyName | cAndroidFamilyName: string = Android; |
cAndroidPlatform | cAndroidPlatform: string = Android; |
cAndroidServiceType | cAndroidServiceType: string = AndroidServiceType; |
ciOSDevice32Platform | ciOSDevice32Platform: string = iOSDevice32; |
ciOSDevice64Platform | ciOSDevice64Platform: string = iOSDevice64; |
ciOSDevicePlatform | ciOSDevicePlatform: string = iOSDevice32; |
ciOSFamilyName | ciOSFamilyName: string = iOS; |
ciOSSimulator32Platform | ciOSSimulator32Platform: string = iOSSimulator; |
ciOSSimulator64Platform | ciOSSimulator64Platform: string = iOSSimulator64; |
ciOSSimulatorArm64Platform | ciOSSimulatorArm64Platform: string = iOSSimARM64; |
ciOSSimulatorPlatform | ciOSSimulatorPlatform: string = iOSSimulator; |
cLinux32Platform | cLinux32Platform: string = Linux32; |
cLinux64Platform | cLinux64Platform: string = Linux64; |
cLinuxFamilyName | cLinuxFamilyName: string = Linux; |
cOSFamilyDisplayNames | cOSFamilyDisplayNames: :1; |
cOSX32Platform | cOSX32Platform: string = OSX32; |
cOSX64Platform | cOSX64Platform: string = OSX64; |
cOSXArm64Platform | cOSXArm64Platform: string = OSXARM64; |
cOSXFamilyName | cOSXFamilyName: string = macOS; |
cSrvTypeIntentLocal | cSrvTypeIntentLocal: string = IntentLocal; |
cSrvTypeIntentRemote | cSrvTypeIntentRemote: string = IntentRemote; |
cSrvTypeLocal | cSrvTypeLocal: string = Local; |
cSrvTypeRemote | cSrvTypeRemote: string = Remote; |
cUndefinedFamilyName | cUndefinedFamilyName: string = Unknown; |
cWin32Platform | cWin32Platform: string = Win32; |
cWin64Platform | cWin64Platform: string = Win64; |
cWinArmPlatform | cWinArmPlatform: string = WinARM32; |
cWindowsFamilyName | cWindowsFamilyName: string = Windows; |
cWinIoT32Platform | cWinIoT32Platform: string = WinIoT32; |
cWinNX32Platform | cWinNX32Platform: string = WinNX32; |
dffComputerFactors | dffComputerFactors: TOTADeviceFormFactors; |
dffFormFactors | dffFormFactors: TOTADeviceFormFactors; |
dffPhoneFactors | dffPhoneFactors: TOTADeviceFormFactors; |
dffPlatforms | dffPlatforms: TOTADevicePlatforms; |
dffWearableFactors | dffWearableFactors: TOTADeviceFormFactors; |
fetCBuilderRemoteDebug | fetCBuilderRemoteDebug: Integer = $A; |
fetCUnitBinary | fetCUnitBinary: Integer = 6; |
fetDelphiLibraryRemoteDebug | fetDelphiLibraryRemoteDebug: Integer = $B; |
fetDelphiRemoteDebug | fetDelphiRemoteDebug: Integer = 9; |
fetDelphiUnitBinary | fetDelphiUnitBinary: Integer = 7; |
fetDll | fetDll: Integer = 3; |
fetExe | fetExe: Integer = 1; |
fetImportLibrary | fetImportLibrary: Integer = 8; |
fetLast | fetLast: Integer = 8; |
fetPackage | fetPackage: Integer = 2; |
fetPackageImportLibrary | fetPackageImportLibrary: Integer = 5; |
fetStaticLibrary | fetStaticLibrary: Integer = 4; |
fetUnknownType | fetUnknownType: Integer = 0; |
piBTAdHoc | piBTAdHoc: Integer = $1F; |
piBTAppStore | piBTAppStore: Integer = $20; |
piBTDebug | piBTDebug: Integer = $1E; |
piBTNormal | piBTNormal: Integer = $21; |