PlatformAPI.TOTADeviceLayout Fields

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ArtworkpublicArtwork is a path to the image that serves as background of a device layout.
EnabledpublicEnabled determines whether a device layout is enabled (True) or disabled (False).
HeightpublicHeight is the height of a device layout in pixels.
LeftpublicLeft is the distance in pixels from the left-hand side of the loaded image of a device layout to the left-hand side where the background of the device layout actually starts.
StatusbarHeightpublicStatusbarHeight is the size (width or height) of the status bar of a device within a device layout.
StatusbarPospublicStatusbarPos is the position of the status bar on a device layout.
ToppublicTop is the distance in pixels from the top of the loaded image of a device layout to the top where the background of the device layout actually starts.
WidthpublicWidth is the width of a device layout in pixels.