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TLocationRec = record


struct DECLSPEC_DRECORD TLocationRec
    System::Bindings::Evalprotocol::_di_ILocation Location;
    bool IsExpression;
    System::_di_IInterface Notifier;
    System::Bindings::Evalprotocol::_di_ICompiledBinding CompiledBinding;
    System::Bindings::Evalprotocol::_di_IScope Scope;
    __fastcall TLocationRec(const System::Bindings::Evalprotocol::_di_ILocation ALocation, const System::_di_IInterface ANotifier, const System::Bindings::Evalprotocol::_di_ICompiledBinding ACompiledBinding, const System::Bindings::Evalprotocol::_di_IScope AScope, const bool AIsExpression);
    TLocationRec() {}


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
System.Bindings.Outputs TBindingOutput


Pair between the output location and its notifier.

TLocationRec is a record that makes a pair between the output location and its notifier. TLocationRec contains the following fields:

Field Meaning
Location The location to which the output value is set.
Notifier Notifier associated with the location, used to notify the system that the object member wrapped by the location has changed.
CompiledBinding Maintains a reference to the output compiled expression that generated the location. CompiledBinding is necessary because the internal wrappers are structured in such a way that they depend on information sustained only by a reference to System.Bindings.EvalProtocol.ICompiledBinding. Keep in mind that locations that are not generated by output expressions have this parameter set to nil.
Scope Keeps a reference to the input scope used by the output compiled expression. The scope is necessary in case the expression may be reevaluated at certain points. Keep in mind that locations that are not generated by output expressions have this parameter set to nil.

See Also