Package | rtl280.bpl |
ComponentPlatformsAttribute | ComponentPlatformsAttribute provides platform-specific run-time information. |
DefaultAttribute | DefaultAttribute is an extension of TDefaultAttributeBase. |
EBitsError | EBitsError is the exception class for invalid attempts to access an array of Boolean values. |
EClassNotFound | EClassNotFound is the exception class for the failure to find a specified component when reading from a stream. |
EComponentError | EComponentError is the exception class for registering and renaming components. |
EFCreateError | EFCreateError is the exception class for streaming file-creation errors. |
EFilerError | EFilerError is the exception class for component stream errors. |
EFileStreamError | EFileStreamError is the exception class for general stream errors. |
EFOpenError | EFOpenError is the exception class for file-opening errors during streaming. |
EInvalidImage | EInvalidImage is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to read resources. |
EInvalidOperation | EInvalidOperation is the exception class for invalid operations on a component. |
EListError | EListError is the exception class for list and string errors. |
ELoginCredentialError | ELoginCredentialError is the exception class for handling invalid login credentials. |
EMethodNotFound | Deprecated, please use EReadError. |
EObserverException | EObserverException is the exception class for observer exceptions. |
EOutOfResources | EOutOfResources is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to allocate handles. |
EParserError | EParserError is the exception class for text-to-binary streaming conversion errors. |
EReadError | EReadError is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to read data from a stream. |
EResNotFound | EResNotFound is the exception class for resources that were not found. |
EStreamError | EStreamError is the exception class for streaming errors. |
EStringListError | EStringListError is the exception class for invalid listbox references. |
EThread | EThread is the exception class for thread synchronization errors. |
EThreadExternalException | EThreadExternalException is the exception class for methods called from external threads. |
EWriteError | EWriteError is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to write data to a stream. |
IControlValueObserver | Interface for value changing observers. |
IDesignerNotify | IDesignerNotify is the interface for responding to notifications about changes to components in the designer. |
IEditFormatLink | |
IEditGridLinkObserver | Interface for IEditLinkObserver. |
IEditLinkObserver | Interface for link managing observers. |
IInterfaceComponentReference | IInterfaceComponentReference is the interface for responding to requests for retrieving components. |
IInterfaceList | IInterfaceList provides access to a list of interfaces. |
IInterfaceListEx | IInterfaceListEx provides access to a list of interfaces. |
IIteratorLinkObserver | |
IMultiCastObserver | Multiple cast interface for IObserver. |
IObserver | Interface that implements an observer pattern that is used in order to get notifications on certain UI (user interface) changes of controls such as an edit box or a label. |
IObserverTrack | Interface used for tracking notifications. |
IPositionLinkObserver | Interface for position changing notifications. |
IPositionLinkObserver170 | |
ISingleCastObserver | Single cast interface for IObserver. |
IStreamPersist | IStreamPersist is the interface for responding to requests to load/save an object from/to a persistent stream. |
IStringsAdapter | Maintains a link between TStrings and IStrings implementations. |
IVarStreamable | IVarStreamable is the interface for loading and saving the values of Variants. |
IVCLComObject | Interface used for getting information from VCL objects. |
NoDefaultAttribute | NoDefaultAttribute is an extension of TDefaultAttributeBase. |
ObservableMemberAttribute | ObservableMemberAttribute is a similar class to TCustomAttribute. |
StoredAttribute | StoredAttribute is a similar class to TCustomAttribute. |
TBaseAsyncResult | Base class for implementing all asynchronous procedure calls. |
TBasicAction | TBasicAction is the ancestor class for all action objects. |
TBasicActionClass | TBasicActionClass defines the metaclass for TBasicAction. |
TBasicActionLink | TBasicActionLink is the base class for action link classes that handle the communication between actions and clients. |
TBasicActionLinkClass | TBasicActionLinkClass defines the metaclass for TBasicActionLink. |
TBinaryReader | TBinaryReader reads data as binary values. |
TBinaryWriter | TBinaryWriter writes data as binary values. |
TBits | TBits stores an array of Boolean values. |
TBufferedFileStream | TBufferedFileStream adds buffering support to TFileStream. |
TBytesStream | TBytesStream is a stream that stores its data in bytes. |
TClassFinder | TClassFinder allows registered persistent classes to be retrieved. |
TCollection | TCollection is a container for TCollectionItem objects. |
TCollectionEnumerator | Enumerates through the TCollectionItems in a TCollection object. |
TCollectionItem | TCollectionItem represents an item in a collection. |
TCollectionItemClass | TCollectionItemClass defines the metaclass for TCollectionItem. |
TComponent | TComponent is the common ancestor of all component classes. |
TComponentClass | TComponentClass defines the metaclass for TComponent. |
TComponentEnumerator | TComponentEnumerator allows the components within a containing component to be discovered. |
TComponentInterfaceDelegate | |
TCustomMemoryStream | TCustomMemoryStream is an abstract base class used as the common ancestor for memory streams. |
TDataModule | TDataModule centralizes the handling of nonvisual components in an application. |
TDefaultAttributeBase | TDefaultAttributeBase is a base class for default attributes. |
TFiler | TFiler is the abstract base class for reader and writer objects, which are used for loading and saving components and their properties. |
TFileStream | TFileStream enables applications to read from and write to a file on disk. |
THandleStream | THandleStream enables applications to read from and write to communications resources identified by a handle. |
TInterfacedPersistent | TInterfacedPersistent is an ancestor for persistent objects that implement interfaces. |
TInterfaceList | TInterfaceList represents a list of interfaces. |
TInterfaceListEnumerator | Enumerates through the IInterfaces in a TInterfaceList. |
TLinkObservers | Interface used for link notifications. |
TList | TList stores an array of pointers. |
TListEnumerator | Enumerates through the objects in a TList. |
TLoginCredentialService | TLoginCredentialService provides functionality for login action, regardless of framework. |
TMemoryStream | TMemoryStream is a stream that stores its data in dynamic memory. |
TObserverMapping | TObserverMapping stores all of the currently set TObservers. |
TObservers | TObservers implements an observer pattern that is used in order to get notifications on certain UI (user interface) changes of controls such as an edit box or a label, while using LiveBindings. |
TOwnedCollection | TOwnedCollection is a collection that maintains information about its owner. |
TParser | TParser allows DFM files to be parsed. |
TPersistent | TPersistent is the ancestor for all objects that have assignment and streaming capabilities. |
TPersistentClass | TPersistentClass defines the metaclass for TPersistent. |
TPointerStream | TPointerStream is a memory stream that provides access to the memory region in an application. |
TProxySubrangeStream | |
TReader | TReader is a specialized filer that reads component data from an associated stream. |
TRecall | TRecall stores the properties of a persistent object so that they can be restored at a later time. |
TResourceStream | TResourceStream is a memory stream that provides access to the compiled resources in an application. |
TStream | TStream is the base class type for stream objects that can read from or write to various kinds of storage media, such as disk files, dynamic memory, and so on. |
TStreamAdapter | TStreamAdapter implements the IStream interface on a TStream object. |
TStreamReader | Character stream reader. |
TStreamWriter | Writer for characters to stream. |
TStringList | TStringList maintains a list of strings. |
TStringReader | Reader for a string. |
TStrings | TStrings is the base class for objects that represent a list of strings. |
TStringsEnumerator | Enumerates through the strings of a TStrings object. |
TStringStream | TStringStream provides file-like access to information stored as a long string. |
TStringWriter | Writer for a string. |
TTextReader | Reader for sequence of characters. |
TTextWriter | Writer of sequence of characters. |
TThread | TThread is an abstract class that enables creation of separate threads of execution in an application. |
TThreadList | TThreadList represents a thread-safe list. |
TWriter | TWriter is a specialized filer object that writes data to its associated stream. |
ActivateClassGroup | Activates a group of classes that derive from TPersistent. |
ActiveClassGroup | Activates a group of classes that derive from TPersistent. |
AllocateHWnd | Creates a window that implements a specified window procedure. |
AncestorIsValid | AncestorIsValid determines if one component is an ancestor of another. |
BeginGlobalLoading | |
BinToHex | Converts a binary value into a string that is its hexadecimal representation. |
Bounds | Creates a TRect structure from the top-left coordinate, and width and height values of a rectangle. |
CheckForCycles | |
CheckSynchronize | Allows background threads to synchronize their execution with the main thread. |
ClassGroupOf | Returns the group of persistent classes a specified class or instance belongs to. |
CollectionsEqual | Compares the contents of two collections. |
CountGenerations | Returns the number of intermediate classes between a derived class and its ancestor. |
DeallocateHWnd | Frees a window that was created using AllocateHWnd. |
EndGlobalLoading | |
ExtractStrings | Fills a string list with substrings parsed from a delimited list. |
FindClass | Finds and returns a class that is derived from TPersistent. |
FindGlobalComponent | Returns a top-level container component. |
FindIdentToInt | Returns the TIdentToInt conversion routine for a given data type. |
FindIntToIdent | Returns the TIntToIdent conversion routine for a given data type. |
FindNestedComponent | FindNestedComponent returns a component contained within another. |
FindRootDesigner | |
FreeObjectInstance | Frees a block of memory that was allocated by the MakeObjectInstance. |
GetClass | Returns a registered persistent class given its name. |
GetComponentFieldAddress | |
GetFixupInstanceNames | |
GetFixupReferenceNames | |
GetResourceName | |
GetUltimateOwner | Returns the top-level owner of a specified persistent object. |
GlobalFixupReferences | |
GroupDescendentsWith | Adds a specified class to the group in which another class appears. |
HexToBin | Converts a string of hexadecimal digits to the corresponding binary value. |
IdentToInt | Uses a mapping array to convert string identifiers into their corresponding integer values. |
InitComponentRes | |
InitInheritedComponent | Initializes streaming of a form file for an inherited root class. |
IntToIdent | Uses a mapping array to convert integers into their corresponding string identifiers. |
InvalidPoint | Indicates whether a specified point is equal to (-1,-1). |
IsDefaultPropertyValue | |
IsUniqueGlobalComponentName | Indicates whether a proposed component name is unambiguous. |
LineStart | Finds the end of the last whole line in a buffer. |
MakeObjectInstance | Allocates a block of memory to be used by an instance of a class. |
NotifyGlobalLoading | |
ObjectBinaryToText | Converts the binary representation of an object into more readily understandable text. |
ObjectResourceToText | Converts the binary representation of an object resource into more readily understandable text. |
ObjectTextToBinary | Converts a symbolic text representation of an object into the binary version that is used to save the object to files or memory streams. |
ObjectTextToResource | Converts a symbolic text representation of an object into an internal binary representation. |
Point | Creates a TPoint structure from a pair of coordinates. |
PointsEqual | Indicates whether two points have the same coordinates. |
ReadComponentDeltaRes | |
ReadComponentRes | Reads components and their properties from a specified resource. |
ReadComponentResEx | Reads a component from a resource. |
ReadComponentResFile | Reads components and their properties from a specified Windows resource file. |
Rect | Creates a TRect structure from a set of coordinates. |
RedirectFixupReferences | |
RegisterClass | Registers a class of persistent object so that its class type can be retrieved. |
RegisterClassAlias | Registers a class that is identical to another class except for the name. |
RegisterClasses | Registers a set of classes. |
RegisterComponents | Registers the ComponentClasses components so that they all appear on the same Page of the Tool Palette. |
RegisterFindGlobalComponentProc | Used for registering component finding functions. |
RegisterIntegerConsts | Registers conversion functions for string identifiers that represent type values. |
RegisterNoIcon | Registers a set of components but does not add them to the component palette. |
RegisterNonActiveX | Prevents a set of components from being made available to the ActiveX wizard. |
RemoveFixupReferences | |
RemoveFixups | |
ReportClassGroups | |
SetComponentFieldAddressCache | |
SmallPoint | Creates a TSmallPoint structure from a pair of coordinates. |
StartClassGroup | Starts a class group derived from TPersistent. |
SwapHexEndianness | |
TestStreamFormat | Identifies the format of a form file when reading it from a stream. |
UnRegisterClass | Unregisters an object class. |
UnRegisterClasses | Unregisters a set of classes. |
UnregisterFindGlobalComponentProc | Used for unregistering component finding functions. |
UnregisterIntegerConsts | Unregisters conversion functions for string identifiers that represent type values. |
UnRegisterModuleClasses | Unregisters all classes defined in a specified module. |
Write16bitResourceHeader | |
Write32bitResourceHeader | |
WriteComponentResFile | Writes components and their properties to a file using a resource file format. |
WriteObjectResourceHeader |
PPointerList | PPointerList is a pointer to a TPointerList type. |
PStringItem | PStringItem is a TStringItem pointer. |
PStringItemList | PStringItemList is a TStringItemList pointer. |
System_Classes | |
System_Classes__23 | |
System_Classes__65 | |
System_Classes__75 | |
TActionEvent | TActionEvent is the method pointer type used to define updating and execution events of actions. |
TActiveXRegType | TActiveXRegType is used when excluding a component class from the ActiveX Wizard. |
TAlignment | TAlignment specifies how text is aligned within a control. |
TAncestorNotFoundEvent | TAncestorNotFoundEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnAncestorNotFound event. |
TAsyncCallback | |
TAsyncCallbackEvent | |
TAsyncConstArrayFunc | |
TAsyncConstArrayFunctionEvent | |
TAsyncConstArrayProc | |
TAsyncConstArrayProcedureEvent | |
TAsyncFunctionEvent | |
TAsyncProcedureEvent | |
TBiDiMode | TBiDiMode specifies the reading order (bidirectional mode) of a control. |
TCollectionNotification | TCollectionNotification indicates the type of change that is made to the items in a collection. |
TComponentName | TComponentName is the type for the Name property of all components. |
TComponentState | TComponentState is a set of flags that describe the current state of a component. |
TComponentStyle | TComponentStyle is a set of flags that describe the current Style of a component. |
TCreateComponentEvent | TCreateComponentEvent is a type of procedure called by the TReader class OnCreateComponent event. |
TDesignInfo | |
TDuplicates | TDuplicates indicates the response when an application attempts to add a duplicate entry to a list. |
TFilerFlag | TFilerFlag indicates information about how a filer should read or write a component and TFilerFlags is a set of TFilerFlag values. |
TFilerFlags | TFilerFlags is the set of TFilerFlag values. |
TFindAncestorEvent | TFindAncestorEvent is a procedure called by the TWriter class OnFindAncestor event. |
TFindComponentClassEvent | TFindComponentClassEvent is the type of the OnFindComponentClass event handler. |
TFindComponentInstanceEvent | TFindComponentInstanceEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnFindMethodInstance event. |
TFindGlobalComponent | |
TFindMethodEvent | TFindMethodEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnFindMethod event. |
TFindMethodInstanceEvent | TFindMethodInstanceEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnFindMethodInstance event. |
TFindMethodNameEvent | TFindMethodNameEvent is a procedure called by the TWriter class OnFindMethodName event. |
TGetChildProc | For internal use only. |
TGetClass | TGetClass is a callback procedure used by the TClassFinder class. |
TGetDeltaStreamsEvent | |
TGetLookupInfoEvent | |
TGetModuleProc | |
TGetStreamProc | |
TGetStrProc | TGetStrProc is a general purpose type of callback procedure invoked for each of a set of strings. |
THelpContext | The range of values that HelpContext values may have. |
THelpType | THelpType indicates whether components invoke the help system using a context ID or a keyword. |
THintEvent | THintEvent is the method pointer type used to define OnHint events. |
TIdentMapEntry | TIdentMapEntry is used to perform ident string to integer value mapping. |
TIdentToInt | TIdentToInt is a type of callback function used by the IdentToInt routine. |
TIntToIdent | TIntToIdent is a type of callback function used by the IntToIdent routine. |
TIsUniqueGlobalComponentName | TIsUniqueGlobalComponentName is a type of function used by IsUniqueGlobalComponentName. |
TLeftRight | TLeftRight is a subset of TAlignment that allows left or right justification. |
TListAssignOp | TListAssignOp indicates how two lists should be merged. |
TListNotification | TListNotification defines list processing action types. |
TListSortCompare | TListSortCompare is a type of callback function called used internally by the TList class. |
TListSortCompareFunc | |
TNotifyEvent | TNotifyEvent is used for events that do not require parameters. |
TObserverGetCurrentEvent | |
TObserverToggleEvent | |
TOperation | TOperation represents the types of operations whose occurrence is broadcast by the Notification method. |
TParserErrorEvent | TParserErrorEvent is a callback procedure used by the TClassFinder class. |
TPlatformIds | |
TPointerList | TPointerList is an array of pointers. |
TPostFoundCycleProc | |
TReadComponentsProc | TReadComponentsProc is a type of callback procedure called used internally by the TReader class ReadComponents method. |
TReaderError | TReaderError is a type of callback procedure called used internally by the TReader class ReadComponents method. |
TReaderProc | TReaderProc is a type of callback procedure called used by TFiler and descendant DefineProperty methods. |
TReferenceNameEvent | TReferenceNameEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnReferenceName event. |
TSeekOrigin | TSeekOrigin indicates where to start a seek operation. |
TSetNameEvent | TSetNameEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnSetName event. |
TShiftState | Indicates the state of the modifier keys, the mouse buttons, or the touch devices. |
TShortCut | TShortCut defines a data type that can hold the representation of a key combination or shortcut, that is, of a main key and optionally one or more modifier keys, such as SHIFT or ALT . |
TStreamOriginalFormat | TStreamOriginalFormat indicates the format in which a form file is saved. |
TStreamOwnership | TStreamOwnership indicates whether a stream object should be freed by the object that uses it. |
TStreamProc | TStreamProc is a type of callback procedure called used by TFiler and descendant DefineBinaryProperty methods. |
TStringItem | TStringItem defines a TStringList entry. |
TStringItemList | TStringItemList defines an array of TStringItems. |
TStringListSortCompare | TStringListSortCompare is a type of callback function called used internally by the TStringList class. |
TStringsDefined | TStringsDefined defines an enumeration of string delimiter names. |
TStringsOption | Represents a set of TStrings boolean properties. |
TStringsOptions | Set of boolean properties. |
TThreadMethod | |
TThreadPriority | TThreadPriority indicates the scheduling priority of a thread object on Windows. |
TThreadProcedure | |
TTopBottom | TTopBottom is a subset of TVerticalAlignment that allows top or bottom alignment. |
TValueType | TValueType defines the kinds of values written to and read from filer objects. |
TVerticalAlignment | TVerticalAlignment specifies how text is vertically aligned within a control. |
TWndMethod | TWndMethod is the type for Windows message procedures. |
TWriterProc | TWriterProc is a type of callback procedure called used by TFiler and descendant DefineProperty methods. |
AddDataModule | Defines a procedure to be called when a TDataModule class is created. |
ApplicationHandleException | Defines a procedure that is called to handle an Exception. |
ApplicationShowException | Defines a procedure to be called when an Exception is raised. |
CreateVCLComObjectProc | |
CurrentGroup | Keeps track of which objects are associated with which packages. |
GlobalNameSpace | GlobalNameSpace is used internally by the VCL framework. |
IsUniqueGlobalComponentNameProc | IsUniqueGlobalComponentNameProc is called by IsUniqueGlobalComponentName. |
RegisterComponentsProc | RegisterComponentsProc is called by RegisterComponents. |
RegisterNoIconProc | RegisterNoIconProc is called by RegisterNoIcon. |
RegisterNonActiveXProc | RegisterNonActiveXProc is called by RegisterNonActiveX. |
RemoveDataModule | Defines a procedure to be called when a TDataModule class is destroyed. |
SyncEvent | |
WakeMainThread | Represents a method (event handler) that is forced into the main thread's queue. |
fmCreate | fmCreate: Integer = $FF00; |
MaxListSize | MaxListSize: Integer = $7FFFFFF; |
pfidAndroid | pfidAndroid: Integer = $8010; |
pfidiOS | pfidiOS: Integer = $10448; |
pfidLinux | pfidLinux: Integer = $80; |
pfidOSX | pfidOSX: Integer = $21004; |
pfidWindows | pfidWindows: Integer = 3; |
pidAllPlatforms | pidAllPlatforms: Integer = $394DF; |
pidAndroid | pidAndroid: Integer = $10; |
pidAndroid32Arm | pidAndroid32Arm: Integer = $10; |
pidAndroid64Arm | pidAndroid64Arm: Integer = $8000; |
pidAndroidArm32 | pidAndroidArm32: Integer = $10; |
pidAndroidArm64 | pidAndroidArm64: Integer = $8000; |
pidiOSDevice | pidiOSDevice: Integer = $40; |
pidiOSDevice32 | pidiOSDevice32: Integer = $40; |
pidiOSDevice64 | pidiOSDevice64: Integer = $400; |
pidiOSSimulator | pidiOSSimulator: Integer = 8; |
pidiOSSimulator32 | pidiOSSimulator32: Integer = 8; |
pidiOSSimulator64 | pidiOSSimulator64: Integer = $10000; |
pidiOSSimulatorArm64 | pidiOSSimulatorArm64: Integer = $80000; |
pidLinux32 | pidLinux32: Integer = $20; |
pidLinux64 | pidLinux64: Integer = $80; |
pidLinuxArm32 | pidLinuxArm32: Integer = $2000; |
pidLinuxArm64 | pidLinuxArm64: Integer = $4000; |
pidOSX32 | pidOSX32: Integer = 4; |
pidOSX64 | pidOSX64: Integer = $1000; |
pidOSXArm64 | pidOSXArm64: Integer = $20000; |
pidWin32 | pidWin32: Integer = 1; |
pidWin32ARM | pidWin32ARM: Integer = $800; |
pidWin64 | pidWin64: Integer = 2; |
pidWinARM32 | pidWinARM32: Integer = $800; |
pidWinArm64 | pidWinArm64: Integer = $40000; |
pidWinIoT32 | pidWinIoT32: Integer = $200; |
pidWinNX32 | pidWinNX32: Integer = $100; |
scAlt | scAlt: Integer = $8000; |
scCommand | scCommand: Integer = $1000; |
scCtrl | scCtrl: Integer = $4000; |
scNone | scNone: Integer = 0; |
scShift | scShift: Integer = $2000; |
soFromBeginning | soFromBeginning: Integer = 0; |
soFromCurrent | soFromCurrent: Integer = 1; |
soFromEnd | soFromEnd: Integer = 2; |
toEOF | toEOF: Char = 0; |
toFloat | toFloat: Char = 4; |
toInteger | toInteger: Char = 3; |
toString | toString: Char = 2; |
toSymbol | toSymbol: Char = 1; |
toWString | toWString: Char = 5; |