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function ConvUnitWithinPrevious(const AValue, ATest: Double; const AType: TConvType;
const AAmount: Double; const AAmountType: TConvType): Boolean;


extern DELPHI_PACKAGE bool __fastcall ConvUnitWithinPrevious(const double AValue, const double ATest, const TConvType AType, const double AAmount, const TConvType AAmountType);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.ConvUtils System.ConvUtils


Indicates whether a specified measurement is at most a specified amount less than another measurement.

Call ConvUnitWithinPrevious to determine whether the value specified by ATest is less than the value specified by AValue by at most AAmount.

AValue is the base value against which to check ATest.

ATest is a measurement to test against AValue.

AType is the unit of measurement for both AValue and ATest.

AAmount is the amount by which ATest can be less than AValue.

AAmountType is the unit of measurement for AAmount.

ConvUnitWithinPrevious returns true if ATest equals AValue or is at most AAmount less than AValue.

See Also