function Invoke(Instance: TObject; const Args: array of TValue): TValue; overload;
function Invoke(Instance: TClass; const Args: array of TValue): TValue; overload;
function Invoke(Instance: TValue; const Args: array of TValue): TValue; overload;
TValue __fastcall Invoke(System::TObject* Instance, const TValue *Args, const int Args_High)/* overload */;
TValue __fastcall Invoke(System::TClass Instance, const TValue *Args, const int Args_High)/* overload */;
TValue __fastcall Invoke(const TValue &Instance, const TValue *Args, const int Args_High)/* overload */;
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | System.Rtti.pas System.Rtti.hpp |
System.Rtti | TRttiMethod |
Invokes the method.
Call Invoke to perform a call to the described method. Invoke expects an Instance parameter that specifies the actual object, record, or class on which the method is called. The second parameter is an array of TValue records storing each parameter passed to the invoked method.
Invoke returns a TValue value storing the actual result of the invoked method.