function GetRemoteActionAsyncState(const AProfile: TTetheringProfileInfo; ARemoteActionHandle: TRemoteActionHandle): TRemoteActionState; overload;
function GetRemoteActionAsyncState(const AnAction: TRemoteAction): TRemoteActionState; overload;
function GetRemoteActionAsyncState(const AProfile: TTetheringProfileInfo; const AnActionName: string): TRemoteActionState; overload;
TRemoteActionState __fastcall GetRemoteActionAsyncState(const System::Tether::Manager::TTetheringProfileInfo &AProfile, NativeUInt ARemoteActionHandle)/* overload */;
TRemoteActionState __fastcall GetRemoteActionAsyncState(TRemoteAction* const AnAction)/* overload */;
TRemoteActionState __fastcall GetRemoteActionAsyncState(const System::Tether::Manager::TTetheringProfileInfo &AProfile, const System::UnicodeString AnActionName)/* overload */;
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | System.Tether.AppProfile.pas System.Tether.AppProfile.hpp |
System.Tether.AppProfile | TTetheringAppProfile |
Returns the current state of an asynchronous TRemoteAction.
The GetRemoteActionAsyncState method returns one of the possible state values:
Value | Description |
Running |
The asynchronous TRemoteAction is currently running (its execution is not finished yet). |
NotRunning |
The asynchronous TRemoteAction is not running (its execution is already finished). |
NotFound |
The name or the profile of the asynchronous remote action can not be found. |
The GetRemoteActionAsyncState method is overloaded by one or several of the following parameters:
Parameter | Meaning |
The remote profile of the asynchronous remote action to retrieve the state from. |
The type of the asynchronous remote action to retrieve the state from. |
The asynchronous TRemoteAction to retrieve the state from. |
The name of the the asynchronous remote action to retrieve the state from. |