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VarAsComplexCasts an arbitrary Variant so that it is a custom Variant representing a complex number.
VarComplexReturns the Variant type code for custom Variants that represent complex numbers.
VarComplexAbsReturns the absolute value of a complex number.
VarComplexAbsSqrReturns the square of the absolute value of a complex number.
VarComplexAngleReturns the angle made by a complex number.
VarComplexArcCosReturns the inverse cosine of a complex number.
VarComplexArcCosHReturns the hyperbolic inverse cosine of a complex number.
VarComplexArcCotReturns the inverse cotangent of a complex number.
VarComplexArcCotHReturns the hyperbolic inverse cotangent of a complex number.
VarComplexArcCscReturns the inverse cosecant of a complex number.
VarComplexArcCscHReturns the hyperbolic inverse cosecant of a complex number.
VarComplexArcSecReturns the inverse secant of a complex number.
VarComplexArcSecHReturns the hyperbolic inverse secant of a complex number.
VarComplexArcSinReturns the inverse sine of a complex number.
VarComplexArcSinHReturns the hyperbolic inverse sine of a complex number.
VarComplexArcTanReturns the inverse tangent of a complex number.
VarComplexArcTanHReturns the hyperbolic inverse tangent of a complex number.
VarComplexConjugateReturns the conjugate of a complex number.
VarComplexCosReturns the cosine of a complex number.
VarComplexCosHReturns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.
VarComplexCotReturns the cotangent of a complex number.
VarComplexCotHReturns the hyperbolic cotangent of a complex number.
VarComplexCreateReturns a custom Variant that represents a complex number.
VarComplexCscReturns the cosecant of a complex number.
VarComplexCscHReturns the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number.
VarComplexExpReturns the exponential of a complex number.
VarComplexFromPolarConverts a set of polar coordinates to a complex number.
VarComplexInverseReturns the inverse of a complex number.
VarComplexLnReturns the natural log of a complex number.
VarComplexLog10Returns the log base 10 of a complex number.
VarComplexLog2Returns the log base 2 of a complex number.
VarComplexLogNReturns the log base N of a complex number.
VarComplexPowerReturns the value of a complex number raised to a specified power.
VarComplexSecReturns the secant of a complex number.
VarComplexSecHReturns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number.
VarComplexSignReturns the sign of a complex number.
VarComplexSimplifyReduces a Variant that represents a complex number to one that represents a real value, if possible.
VarComplexSinReturns the sine of a complex number.
VarComplexSinHReturns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.
VarComplexSqrReturns the square of a complex number.
VarComplexSqrtReturns the square root of a complex number.
VarComplexTanReturns the tangent of a complex number.
VarComplexTanHReturns the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number.
VarComplexTimesImaginaryReturns the value of a complex number multiplied by an imaginary number.
VarComplexTimesNegIReturns the value of a complex number multiplied by –i.
VarComplexTimesPosIReturns the value of a complex number multiplied by i.
VarComplexTimesRealReturns the value of a complex number multiplied by a real number.
VarComplexToPolarComputes the polar coordinates that correspond to a custom Variant that represents a complex number.
VarIsComplexIndicates whether a Variant stores its data internally as a complex number.


ComplexNumberDefuzzAtZeroIndicates whether to round to zero complex numbers with very small real or imaginary part.
ComplexNumberSymbolIndicates the symbol used to represent the imaginary part of a complex number.
ComplexNumberSymbolBeforeImaginaryIndicates the placement of the symbol that represents the imaginary part of a complex number.