Package | rtl280.bpl |
EVariantArrayCreateError | EVariantArrayCreateError is the exception class for failure to create or resize a variant array. |
EVariantArrayLockedError | EVariantArrayLockedError is the exception class for errors that occur because a variant array is locked or fixed. |
EVariantBadIndexError | EVariantBadIndexError is the exception class for errors that occur because a variant array index is out of bounds. |
EVariantBadVarTypeError | EVariantBadVarTypeError is the exception class for variant type errors. |
EVariantDispatchError | EVariantDispatchError is the exception class for failed dispatch attempts. |
EVariantInvalidArgError | EVariantInvalidArgError is the exception class for operations that fail due to invalid variant data. |
EVariantInvalidNullOpError | EVariantInvalidNullOpError is the exception class for invalid Null variant operations. |
EVariantInvalidOpError | EVariantInvalidOpError is the exception class for invalid variant operations. |
EVariantNotAnArrayError | EVariantNotAnArrayError is the exception class inappropriate variant array operations. |
EVariantNotImplError | EVariantNotImplError is the exception class for unimplemented variant operations. |
EVariantOutOfMemoryError | EVariantOutOfMemoryError is the exception class for variant operations that cannot allocate necessary memory. |
EVariantOverflowError | EVariantOverflowError is the exception class for overflow in a variant operation. |
EVariantRangeCheckError | EVariantRangeCheckError is the exception class for out-of-range errors in a variant operation. |
EVariantTypeCastError | EVariantTypeCastError is the exception class for variant type cast errors. |
EVariantUnexpectedError | EVariantUnexpectedError is the exception class for unexpected variant errors. |
IVarInstanceReference | IVarInstanceReference is the interface for extracting the instance that represents the data from a Variant of the custom type. |
IVarInvokeable | IVarInvokeable is the interface for custom Variant types that implement dynamic properties and methods. |
TCustomVariantType | TCustomVariantType is the base class for Delphi custom variant types. |
TCustomVariantTypeClass | TCustomVariantTypeClass defines the metaclass for TCustomVariantType. |
TInvokeableVariantType | TInvokeableVariantType is the base class for custom Variant types that implement custom Variants with properties and methods. |
DynArrayFromVariant | Creates a dynamic array from a Variant. |
DynArrayToVariant | Creates a Variant array from a dynamic array. |
EmptyParam | Contains an OleVariant that represents an unused optional parameter on a dual interface. |
FinalizeDispatchInvokeArgs | Releases the Args parameters passed to the method identified by CallDesc dispatch call descriptor. |
FindCustomVariantType | Retrieves the object that implements a custom Variant type. |
FindVarData | Returns pointer to variant's data. |
GetDispatchInvokeArgs | Returns the TVarDataArray array of parameters specified in the CallDesc call descriptor in the DispInvoke method. |
HandleConversionException | Handles exceptions during variant type conversions. |
InitVariantConstants | |
Null | Returns a Null variant. |
Unassigned | Returns an "empty" variant. |
VarArrayAsPSafeArray | |
VarArrayCreate | Creates a variant array. |
VarArrayCreateError | Indicates an array creation error. |
VarArrayDimCount | Returns number of dimensions of a variant array. |
VarArrayGet | Returns a Variant that represents a single value from a multi-dimensional Variant array. |
VarArrayHighBound | Returns high bound for a dimension in a variant array. |
VarArrayLock | Locks a variant array and returns a pointer to the data. |
VarArrayLowBound | Returns the low bound of a dimension in a variant array. |
VarArrayOf | Creates and fills a one-dimensional variant array. |
VarArrayPut | Sets the value of a single cell in a multi-dimensional Variant array. |
VarArrayRef | Returns a reference to the specified variant array. |
VarArrayUnlock | Unlocks a variant array. |
VarAsError | Converts a HRESULT into an Error variant. |
VarAsType | Converts a variant to specified type. |
VarCastError | Raises an EVariantTypeCastError exception. |
VarCheckEmpty | Raises an exception if a specified variant's value is Unassigned. |
VarCompareValue | Returns the relationship between Variants. |
VarCopyNoInd | Copies a Variant. |
VarEnsureRange | Returns a Variant with a value in a specified range. |
VarFromDateTime | Returns a variant containing a specified data and time. |
VarInRange | Indicates whether a Variant's value is in a specified range. |
VarInvalidNullOp | Indicate variant operation on null. |
VarInvalidOp | Indicate invalid variant operation. |
VarIsArray | Indicates whether the specified variant is an array. |
VarIsByRef | Indicates whether the specified variant's value is by reference. |
VarIsClear | Indicates whether the specified variant has an undefined value. |
VarIsCustom | Indicates whether the specified variant is a custom variant. |
VarIsEmpty | Indicates whether the specified variant is unassigned. |
VarIsEmptyParam | Indicates whether the specified variant represents an unassigned optional parameter. |
VarIsError | Indicates whether the specified variant is an error variant; optionally converts variant back to HRESULT. |
VarIsFloat | Indicates whether the specified variant represents a floating-point value. |
VarIsNull | Indicates whether the specified variant is Null. |
VarIsNumeric | Indicates whether the specified variant represents a numeric value. |
VarIsOrdinal | Indicates whether the specified variant represents an ordinal value. |
VarIsStr | Indicates whether the specified variant represents a string value. |
VarIsType | Indicates whether the specified variant represents a specified type. |
VarOverflowError | Raises an EVariantOverflowError exception. |
VarRangeCheckError | Raises an EVariantRangeCheckError exception. |
VarResultCheck | Raises variant exception based on HRESULT value. |
VarSameValue | Indicates whether two Variants have equivalent values. |
VarSupports | Indicates whether the Variant's value is an interface that supports a specified interface. |
VarToDateTime | Converts a specified variant to a TDateTime value. |
VarToStr | Converts a variant's value to a string. |
VarToStrDef | Converts a variant's value to a string. |
VarToWideStr | Converts a variant's value to a WideString. |
VarToWideStrDef | Converts a variant's value to a WideString. |
VarType | Returns the type code of a specified variant. |
VarTypeAsText | Returns variant type descriptive string. |
VarTypeIsValidArrayType | Indicates whether a Variant type code represents a type that can be used for the elements in a Variant array. |
VarTypeIsValidElementType | Indicates whether a Variant type code represents a type that can be used for the elements in a Variant array. |
TAnyProc | TAnyProc represents a pointer to a procedure that accepts a parameter of type TVarData. |
TBooleanToStringRule | TBooleanToStringRule enumerates possible rules for BooleanToStringRule. |
TNullCompareRule | TNullCompareRule enumerates possible rules for comparing variant nulls with other values. |
TStringRef | A record containing references to string types. |
TStringRefList | Defines an array of TStringRef records. |
TVarCompareResult | TVarCompareResult describes the results of comparing two Variants. |
TVarDataArray | TVarDataArray is an array of TVarData records. |
TVarDispProc | TVarDispProc defines a pointer to a procedure used as support for IDispatch-based Automation. |
TVariantRelationship | TVariantRelationship describes the results of comparing two Variants. |
BooleanToStringRule | Specifies rule fixing up Boolean values converted to strings. |
ChangeAnyProc | Provides the support for changing the type of a Variant from varAny to a real Variant. |
ClearAnyProc | Provides the support for clearing a Variant of type varAny. |
DispatchUnsignedAsSigned | Instructs the run time to send unsigned values as signed integers. Setting this global variable is useful for automation servers. |
NullAsStringValue | Specifies string value of Null variants. |
NullEqualityRule | Specifies rule for Null variant equality comparison. |
NullMagnitudeRule | Specifies rule for Null variant magnitude comparison. |
NullStrictConvert | Specifies whether Null conversion is an error. |
OleVariantInt64AsDouble | Controls the mode in which Int64 values are stored in a OleVariant. |
PackVarCreation | Specifies whether space-efficient Variant Types are preferred. |
RefAnyProc | Provides the support for increasing the reference count of a Variant of type varAny. |
VarDispProc | Provides the support for IDispatch-based Automation. |
MaxDispArgs | MaxDispArgs: Integer = $40; |