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constructor Create(Container: TConnectionPoints;
const IID: TGUID; Kind: TConnectionKind; OnConnect: TConnectEvent);


__fastcall TConnectionPoint(TConnectionPoints* Container, const GUID &IID, TConnectionKind Kind, TConnectEvent OnConnect);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
System.Win.ComObj TConnectionPoint


Instantiates a connection point object.

Create is called automatically by the connection point container's CreateConnectionPoint method to instantiate a connection point object. This occurs when an ActiveX control is initialized.

Create allocates memory for a connection point object and calls the inherited Create, passing it the Container's controlling IUnknown. Container is a connection point container object. Create adds the connection point object to the Container. Then it sets the:

  • IID as the GUID or interface identifier of the outgoing interface managed by this connection point.
  • IKind, indicating whether it is a single or multiple connection to that point.
  • OnConnect as the connection event used in the IConnectionPoint Advise method.

TConnectEvent points to a procedure for the OnConnect event of the connection point. TConnectionKind is a type indicating whether there are multiple connections to the connection point.

See Also