Vcl.AppEvnts.TApplicationEvents Events

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OnActionExecutepublishedOccurs when an action's Execute method is called and its action list has not already handled it.
OnActionUpdatepublishedOccurs when an action's Update method is called and its action list has not already handled it.
OnActivatepublishedOccurs when an application becomes active.
OnDeactivatepublishedOccurs when an application becomes inactive.
OnExceptionpublishedOccurs when an unhandled exception occurs in the application.
OnHelppublishedOccurs when the application receives a request for Help.
OnHintpublishedOccurs when the mouse pointer moves over a control or menu item that can display a Help Hint.
OnIdlepublishedOccurs when an application becomes idle.
OnMessagepublishedOccurs when the application receives a Windows message.
OnMinimizepublishedOccurs when an application is minimized.
OnModalBeginpublishedOccurs when a modal form is opened.
OnModalEndpublishedOccurs when a modal form is closed.
OnRestorepublishedOccurs when the previously minimized application is restored to its normal size.
OnSettingChangepublishedOccurs when Windows notifies the application that a system-wide setting has changed.
OnShortCutpublishedOccurs when the user presses a key (before the OnKeyDown event).
OnShowHintpublishedOccurs when the application is about to display the hint window for a Help Hint.