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Defines the standard (predefined) actions that are available to you in the VCL.

Package vcl280.bpl


TBrowseForFolderTBrowseForFolder is the standard action for displaying a Browse For Folder dialog.
TColorSelectTColorSelect is the standard action for displaying a color selection dialog.
TCommonDialogActionTCommonDialogAction is the base class for action objects that display a dialog.
TCommonDialogClassTCommonDialogClass defines the metaclass for TCommonDialog.
TEditActionTEditAction is the base class for action objects that perform standard edits on an edit control.
TEditCopyTEditCopy copies the selected text in a target edit control to the Windows clipboard.
TEditCutTEditCut cuts the selected text in a target edit or memo control to the Windows clipboard.
TEditDeleteTEditDelete deletes the selected text in a target edit or memo control.
TEditPasteTEditPaste pastes text from the clipboard into the active edit or memo control.
TEditSelectAllTEditSelectAll selects all text in an active text control.
TEditUndoTEditUndo backs out the last change in an edit control.
TFileActionTFileAction is the base class for action objects that display a file selection dialog.
TFileExitTFileExit is the standard action for shutting down an application.
TFileOpenTFileOpen is the standard action for displaying a file open dialog.
TFileOpenWithTFileOpenWith is the standard action for displaying the dialog that lets users choose what application to user for opening a file.
TFilePageSetupTFilePageSetup is the standard action for displaying a page setup dialog.
TFilePrintSetupTFilePrintSetup is the standard action for displaying a printer setup dialog.
TFileSaveAsTFileSaveAs is the standard action for displaying a file save as dialog.
TFontEditTFontEdit is the standard action for displaying a font selection dialog.
THelpActionTHelpAction is the base class for action objects that interact with the help system.
THelpContentsTHelpContents brings up the contents for the default help system.
THelpContextActionTHelpContextAction brings up the help topic for the active control.
THelpOnHelpTHelpOnHelp brings up a help topic on how to use Help.
THelpTopicSearchTHelpTopicSearch brings up the help index.
THintActionTHintAction is the action that executes when the user pauses the mouse over a control or menu item that has a hint.
TPrintDlgTPrintDlg is the standard action for displaying a print dialog.
TSearchActionTSearchAction is the base class for action objects that display a search or search and replace dialog.
TSearchFindTSearchFind is the standard action for displaying a find dialog.
TSearchFindFirstTSearchFindFirst is the standard action for displaying a find dialog that looks for the first occurrence of a string.
TSearchFindNextTSearchFindNext is the standard action for locating the next instance of a string in an edit control.
TSearchReplaceTSearchReplace is the standard action for displaying a find-and-replace dialog.
TWindowActionTWindowAction is the base class for action objects that work with MDI forms.
TWindowArrangeTWindowArrange arranges the icons of minimized MDI child forms.
TWindowCascadeTWindowCascade cascades the MDI child forms.
TWindowCloseTWindowClose closes the active MDI child form.
TWindowMinimizeAllTWindowMinimizeAll minimizes all MDI child forms.
TWindowTileHorizontalTWindowTileHorizontal arranges MDI child forms so that they are all the same size, tiled horizontally.
TWindowTileVerticalTWindowTileVertical arranges MDI child forms so that they are all the same size, tiled vertically.


TBrowseForFolderCallbackEventCallback procedure that TBrowseForFolder uses for managing callback events.
TBrowseForFolderOptionTBrowseForFolderOption contains the options for creating a dialog box used when browsing for folders.
TBrowseForFolderOptionExTBrowseForFolderOptionEx contains the options for creating a dialog box used when browsing for folders.
TBrowseOptionsTBrowseOptions is a set type of options used in customizing the browse dialog box to create.
TBrowseOptionsExA set of TBrowseForFolderOptionEx.