Defines the standard (predefined) actions that are available to you in the VCL.
Package | vcl280.bpl |
TBrowseForFolder | TBrowseForFolder is the standard action for displaying a Browse For Folder dialog. |
TColorSelect | TColorSelect is the standard action for displaying a color selection dialog. |
TCommonDialogAction | TCommonDialogAction is the base class for action objects that display a dialog. |
TCommonDialogClass | TCommonDialogClass defines the metaclass for TCommonDialog. |
TEditAction | TEditAction is the base class for action objects that perform standard edits on an edit control. |
TEditCopy | TEditCopy copies the selected text in a target edit control to the Windows clipboard. |
TEditCut | TEditCut cuts the selected text in a target edit or memo control to the Windows clipboard. |
TEditDelete | TEditDelete deletes the selected text in a target edit or memo control. |
TEditPaste | TEditPaste pastes text from the clipboard into the active edit or memo control. |
TEditSelectAll | TEditSelectAll selects all text in an active text control. |
TEditUndo | TEditUndo backs out the last change in an edit control. |
TFileAction | TFileAction is the base class for action objects that display a file selection dialog. |
TFileExit | TFileExit is the standard action for shutting down an application. |
TFileOpen | TFileOpen is the standard action for displaying a file open dialog. |
TFileOpenWith | TFileOpenWith is the standard action for displaying the dialog that lets users choose what application to user for opening a file. |
TFilePageSetup | TFilePageSetup is the standard action for displaying a page setup dialog. |
TFilePrintSetup | TFilePrintSetup is the standard action for displaying a printer setup dialog. |
TFileSaveAs | TFileSaveAs is the standard action for displaying a file save as dialog. |
TFontEdit | TFontEdit is the standard action for displaying a font selection dialog. |
THelpAction | THelpAction is the base class for action objects that interact with the help system. |
THelpContents | THelpContents brings up the contents for the default help system. |
THelpContextAction | THelpContextAction brings up the help topic for the active control. |
THelpOnHelp | THelpOnHelp brings up a help topic on how to use Help. |
THelpTopicSearch | THelpTopicSearch brings up the help index. |
THintAction | THintAction is the action that executes when the user pauses the mouse over a control or menu item that has a hint. |
TPrintDlg | TPrintDlg is the standard action for displaying a print dialog. |
TSearchAction | TSearchAction is the base class for action objects that display a search or search and replace dialog. |
TSearchFind | TSearchFind is the standard action for displaying a find dialog. |
TSearchFindFirst | TSearchFindFirst is the standard action for displaying a find dialog that looks for the first occurrence of a string. |
TSearchFindNext | TSearchFindNext is the standard action for locating the next instance of a string in an edit control. |
TSearchReplace | TSearchReplace is the standard action for displaying a find-and-replace dialog. |
TWindowAction | TWindowAction is the base class for action objects that work with MDI forms. |
TWindowArrange | TWindowArrange arranges the icons of minimized MDI child forms. |
TWindowCascade | TWindowCascade cascades the MDI child forms. |
TWindowClose | TWindowClose closes the active MDI child form. |
TWindowMinimizeAll | TWindowMinimizeAll minimizes all MDI child forms. |
TWindowTileHorizontal | TWindowTileHorizontal arranges MDI child forms so that they are all the same size, tiled horizontally. |
TWindowTileVertical | TWindowTileVertical arranges MDI child forms so that they are all the same size, tiled vertically. |
TBrowseForFolderCallbackEvent | Callback procedure that TBrowseForFolder uses for managing callback events. |
TBrowseForFolderOption | TBrowseForFolderOption contains the options for creating a dialog box used when browsing for folders. |
TBrowseForFolderOptionEx | TBrowseForFolderOptionEx contains the options for creating a dialog box used when browsing for folders. |
TBrowseOptions | TBrowseOptions is a set type of options used in customizing the browse dialog box to create. |
TBrowseOptionsEx | A set of TBrowseForFolderOptionEx. |