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function ReadClient(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer; override;


virtual int __fastcall ReadClient(void *Buffer, int Count);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Web.ApacheHTTP TApacheRequest


Provides the abstract (pure virtual) prototype for a method to read from the HTTP request into a buffer.

Web.ApacheHTTP.TApacheRequest.ReadClient inherits from Web.HTTPApp.TWebRequest.ReadClient. All content below this line refers to Web.HTTPApp.TWebRequest.ReadClient.

Provides the abstract (pure virtual) prototype for a method to read from the HTTP request into a buffer.

Descendants of TWebRequest implement ReadClient. ReadClient is used to read content information from the HTTP request. Use ReadClient to get the next chunk of information when the content of the request message is too large for the Content property.

Use Buffer to provide a buffer to contain the content information. Use Count to specify the number of bytes to read. ReadClient returns the number of bytes actually read.

See Also