property Align: THTMLAlign read FAlign write SetAlign default haDefault;
__property THTMLAlign Align = {read=FAlign, write=SetAlign, default=0};
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
property | published | Web.HTTPProd.pas Web.HTTPProd.hpp |
Web.HTTPProd | THTMLTableElementAttributes |
Specifies the horizontal alignment of the contents of the HTML table element.
Set Align to indicate the desired horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell or cells indicated by the table element. Align indicates the desired value of the Align option of the HTML tag for the table element.
The default value of Align is haDefault, which means the web browser that reads the HTML document horizontally positions the contents of the table element wherever it wishes.
The Align property of table data cells or header cells overrides the Align property of the table row in which they appear.