Xml.XMLIntf.IXMLNode Methods
AddChild | public | Adds a new child node to this node. |
AddRef | public | Increments the reference count for this interface. |
CloneNode | public | Creates a copy of this node and returns its interface. |
DeclareNamespace | public | Adds an attribute to the node that declares a specified namespace URI. |
FindNamespaceDecl | public | Returns the attribute node that declares a specified Namespace URI. |
FindNamespaceURI | public | Returns the namespace URI for a namespace prefix or qualified tag name. |
GetAttribute | public | Returns the value of one of this node's attributes. |
GetAttributeNodes | public | Returns the value of the AttributeNodes property. |
GetAttributeNS | public | Returns the value of a specified attribute. |
GetChildNodes | public | Returns the value of the ChildNodes property. |
GetChildValue | public | Returns the value of a specified child node. |
GetCollection | public | Returns the value of the Collection property. |
GetDOMNode | public | Returns the value of the DOMNode property. |
GetHasChildNodes | public | Indicates whether the node has any child nodes. |
GetIsTextElement | public | Indicates whether the node has a single text value. |
GetLocalName | public | Returns the name of the node without any namespace prefix. |
GetNamespaceURI | public | Returns the namespace URI for the node's qualified name. |
GetNodeName | public | Returns the name of the node. |
GetNodeType | public | Returns the type of the node. |
GetNodeValue | public | Returns the value of the node. |
GetOwnerDocument | public | Returns the interface for the document in which this node appears. |
GetParentNode | public | Returns the interface for the node's parent node. |
GetPrefix | public | Returns the namespace prefix from the node's name. |
GetReadOnly | public | Returns the value of the ReadOnly property. |
GetText | public | Returns the text value of the node. |
GetXML | public | Returns the value of the XML property. |
HasAttribute | public | Indicates whether the node has an attribute with a specified name. |
NextSibling | public | Returns the next child of this node's parent. |
Normalize | public | Converts the subtree beneath this node to the structure it would have if it were just loaded from a document. |
operator [] | public | |
PreviousSibling | public | Returns the previous child of this node's parent. |
QueryInterface | public | Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. |
Release | public | Decrements the reference count for this interface. |
Resync | public | Forces all child nodes and attribute nodes to be reread from the underlying DOM implementation. |
SetAttribute | public | Sets the value of one of this node's attributes. |
SetAttributeNS | public | Sets the value of one of this node's attributes when you must explicitly specify the attribute's namespace. |
SetChildValue | public | Sets the value of a specified child node. |
SetNodeValue | public | Sets the value of this node. |
SetReadOnly | public | Specifies whether the node can be modified. |
SetText | public | Sets the text value of the node. |
Supports | public | Indicates whether a given interface supports a specific (another) interface. |
TransformNode | public | Transforms the subtree rooted at this node, using a specified XSL interface. |