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class function Compare(const StrA: string; const StrB: string): Integer; overload; static; inline;
class function Compare(const StrA: string; const StrB: string; LocaleID: TLocaleID): Integer; overload; static; inline;
class function Compare(const StrA: string; const StrB: string; IgnoreCase: Boolean): Integer; overload; static; inline; //deprecated 'Use same with TCompareOptions';
class function Compare(const StrA: string; const StrB: string; IgnoreCase: Boolean; LocaleID: TLocaleID): Integer; overload; static; inline; //deprecated 'Use same with TCompareOptions';
class function Compare(const StrA: string; const StrB: string; Options: TCompareOptions): Integer; overload; static; inline;
class function Compare(const StrA: string; const StrB: string; Options: TCompareOptions; LocaleID: TLocaleID): Integer; overload; static; inline;
class function Compare(const StrA: string; IndexA: Integer; const StrB: string; IndexB: Integer; Length: Integer): Integer; overload; static; inline;
class function Compare(const StrA: string; IndexA: Integer; const StrB: string; IndexB: Integer; Length: Integer; LocaleID: TLocaleID): Integer; overload; static; inline;
class function Compare(const StrA: string; IndexA: Integer; const StrB: string; IndexB: Integer; Length: Integer; IgnoreCase: Boolean): Integer; overload; static; inline; //deprecated 'Use same with TCompareOptions';
class function Compare(const StrA: string; IndexA: Integer; const StrB: string; IndexB: Integer; Length: Integer; IgnoreCase: Boolean; LocaleID: TLocaleID): Integer; overload; static; inline; //deprecated 'Use same with TCompareOptions';
class function Compare(const StrA: string; IndexA: Integer; const StrB: string; IndexB: Integer; Length: Integer; Options: TCompareOptions): Integer; overload; static; inline;
class function Compare(const StrA: string; IndexA: Integer; const StrB: string; IndexB: Integer; Length: Integer; Options: TCompareOptions; LocaleID: TLocaleID): Integer; overload; static; inline;


Type Visibilité  Source Unité  Parent
function public System.SysUtils.pas System.SysUtils TStringHelper


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