System.IOUtils.TDirectory Methods
Copy | public | Copies the contents of the source directory to the destination directory. |
CreateDirectory | public | Creates a new directory at the given path. |
Delete | public | Deletes a directory at the given path. |
Exists | public | Checks whether a given directory exists. |
GetAttributes | public | Returns the directory attributes. |
GetCreationTime | public | Returns the creation time of a directory. |
GetCreationTimeUtc | public | Returns the creation time of a directory in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone. |
GetCurrentDirectory | public | Returns the current working directory. |
GetDirectories | public | Returns a list of subdirectories in a given directory. |
GetDirectoriesEnumerator | public | Enumerates the subdirectories in a given directory. |
GetDirectoryRoot | public | Returns the root directory for a given path. |
GetFiles | public | Returns a list of files in a given directory. |
GetFilesEnumerator | public | Enumerates the files in a given directory. |
GetFileSystemEntries | public | Returns a list of files and subdirectories in a given directory. |
GetFileSystemEntriesEnumerator | public | Enumerates the files and directories in a given directory. |
GetLastAccessTime | public | Returns the last access time of a directory. |
GetLastAccessTimeUtc | public | Returns the last access time of a directory in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone. |
GetLastWriteTime | public | Returns the last write time of a directory. |
GetLastWriteTimeUtc | public | Returns the last write time of a directory in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone. |
GetLogicalDrives | public | Returns a list of all logical drives present on this computer. |
GetParent | public | Returns the parent directory of another directory. |
IsEmpty | public | Checks whether a given directory is empty. |
IsRelativePath | public | IsRelativePath indicates whether the specified path is a relative path. |
Move | public | Moves or renames a directory and its contents. |
SetAttributes | public | Sets the directory attributes. |
SetCreationTime | public | Changes the creation time of a directory. |
SetCreationTimeUtc | public | Changes the creation time of a directory. |
SetCurrentDirectory | public | Sets the current directory. |
SetLastAccessTime | public | Changes the last access time of a directory. |
SetLastAccessTimeUtc | public | Changes the last access time of a directory. |
SetLastWriteTime | public | Changes the last write time of a directory. |
SetLastWriteTimeUtc | public | Changes the last write time of a directory. |