System.IOUtils.TDirectory Methods

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CopypublicCopies the contents of the source directory to the destination directory.
CreateDirectorypublicCreates a new directory at the given path.
DeletepublicDeletes a directory at the given path.
ExistspublicChecks whether a given directory exists.
GetAttributespublicReturns the directory attributes.
GetCreationTimepublicReturns the creation time of a directory.
GetCreationTimeUtcpublicReturns the creation time of a directory in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone.
GetCurrentDirectorypublicReturns the current working directory.
GetDirectoriespublicReturns a list of subdirectories in a given directory.
GetDirectoriesEnumeratorpublicEnumerates the subdirectories in a given directory.
GetDirectoryRootpublicReturns the root directory for a given path.
GetFilespublicReturns a list of files in a given directory.
GetFilesEnumeratorpublicEnumerates the files in a given directory.
GetFileSystemEntriespublicReturns a list of files and subdirectories in a given directory.
GetFileSystemEntriesEnumeratorpublicEnumerates the files and directories in a given directory.
GetLastAccessTimepublicReturns the last access time of a directory.
GetLastAccessTimeUtcpublicReturns the last access time of a directory in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone.
GetLastWriteTimepublicReturns the last write time of a directory.
GetLastWriteTimeUtcpublicReturns the last write time of a directory in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone.
GetLogicalDrivespublicReturns a list of all logical drives present on this computer.
GetParentpublicReturns the parent directory of another directory.
IsEmptypublicChecks whether a given directory is empty.
IsRelativePathpublicIsRelativePath indicates whether the specified path is a relative path.
MovepublicMoves or renames a directory and its contents.
SetAttributespublicSets the directory attributes.
SetCreationTimepublicChanges the creation time of a directory.
SetCreationTimeUtcpublicChanges the creation time of a directory.
SetCurrentDirectorypublicSets the current directory.
SetLastAccessTimepublicChanges the last access time of a directory.
SetLastAccessTimeUtcpublicChanges the last access time of a directory.
SetLastWriteTimepublicChanges the last write time of a directory.
SetLastWriteTimeUtcpublicChanges the last write time of a directory.