ECommonCalExceptClass | |
PConversionFormat | |
PNodeCache | PNodeCache is a pointer to a TNodeCache object. |
PNodeInfo | |
PRichEditStreamInfo | |
TAddMode | |
TAnimateParams | |
TAnimateResId | |
TAttributeType | |
TAutoCompleteOption | TAutoCompleteOption and TAutoCompleteOptions specify a set of autocomplete options. |
TAutoCompleteOptions | TAutoCompleteOptions specify options that control autocompletion. |
TCalDayOfWeek | TCalDayOfWeek represents a day of the week. |
TCheckStyle | |
TCheckStyles | |
TComboBoxExStyle | TComboBoxExStyle is the type for the Style property of extended combo box controls. |
TComboBoxExStyleEx | TComboBoxExStyleEx and TComboBoxExStyles configure the behavior of extended combo box controls. |
TComboBoxExStyles | TComboBoxExStyles is the type for the Style property of extended combo box controls. |
TComboExInstance | Vcl.ComCtrls.TComboExInstance is an alias to an untyped pointer. |
TCommonAVI | |
TConsistentAttribute | |
TConsistentAttributes | |
TConsistentParaAttribute | |
TConsistentParaAttributes | |
TConversionBuffer | |
TConversionFormat | |
TCoolBandMaximize | TCoolBandMaximize specifies the conditions under which a TCoolBand is maximized. |
TCustomDrawPanelEvent | TCustomDrawPanelEvent is the type of the OnDrawPanel event handler. |
TCustomDrawSectionEvent | TCustomDrawSectionEvent is a procedure called by the TCustomHeaderControl class OnDrawSection event. |
TCustomDrawStage | TCustomDrawStage specifies a stage in the custom drawing process. |
TCustomDrawState | TCustomDrawState specifies a custom drawing state. |
TCustomDrawStateItem | |
TCustomDrawTarget | TCustomDrawTarget specifies the target of a custom drawing event. |
TCustomHCCreateSectionClassEvent | TCustomHCCreateSectionClassEvent is a procedure called by the TCustomHeaderControl class OnCreateSectionClass event. |
TCustomSectionNotifyEvent | TCustomSectionNotifyEvent is a procedure called by the OnSectionResize event and the OnSectionClick event. |
TCustomSectionTrackEvent | TCustomSectionTrackEvent is a procedure called by the OnSectionTrack event. |
TDateTimeKind | TDateTimeKind is the type of the Kind property. |
TDisplayCode | |
TDrawPanelEvent | TDrawPanelEvent is the type of event handlers that draw a panel in an owner-drawn status bar, such as OnDrawPanel. |
TDrawSectionEvent | TDrawSectionEvent is a procedure called by the THeaderControl class OnDrawSection event. |
TDrawTabEvent | TDrawTabEvent is the type for event handlers that render the tab of an owner-drawn Vcl.ComCtrls.TTabControl control for the OnDrawTab event. |
TDTCalAlignment | Type of the CalAlignment property. |
TDTDateFormat | |
TDTDateMode | |
TDTParseInputEvent | TDTParseInputEvent is a procedure called by the OnUserInput event. |
THCCreateSectionClassEvent | |
THeaderSectionStyle | |
THeaderStyle | THeaderStyle specifies the style of a header control. |
THitTest | THitTest and THitTests are used in the GetHitTestInfoAt method. |
THitTests | |
THKInvalidKey | |
THKInvalidKeys | |
THKModifier | |
THKModifiers | |
TIconArrangement | TIconArrangement indicates how the icons for items are arranged. |
TItemChange | TItemChange describes the type of change a list item undergoes. |
TItemFind | TItemFind identifies the type of search in an OnDataFind event handler. |
TItemRequest | |
TItemRequests | |
TItemState | TItemState and TItemStates specify the state of an item in a list view control. |
TItemStates | TItemState and TItemStates specify the state of an item in a list view control. |
TListArrangement | |
TListGroupState | TListGroupState describes the list group's current state. |
TListGroupStateSet | |
TListHotTrackStyle | TListHotTrackStyle and TListHotTrackStyles specify hot tracking styles for a list view control. |
TListHotTrackStyles | TListHotTrackStyle and TListHotTrackStyles specify hot tracking styles for a list view control. |
TLVAdvancedCustomDrawEvent | TLVAdvancedCustomDrawEvent is a procedure called by the OnAdvancedCustomDraw event. |
TLVAdvancedCustomDrawItemEvent | TLVAdvancedCustomDrawItemEvent is a procedure called by the OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem event. |
TLVAdvancedCustomDrawSubItemEvent | TLVAdvancedCustomDrawItemEvent is a procedure called by the OnAdvancedCustomDrawSubItem event. |
TLVChangedEvent | |
TLVChangeEvent | TLVChangeEvent is the type of event handlers that respond when an item in a list view control changes. |
TLVChangingEvent | TLVChangingEvent is a procedure called by the OnChanging event. |
TLVCheckedItemEvent | TLVCheckedItemEvent is a procedure called by the OnItemChecked event. |
TLVColumnClickEvent | TLVColumnClickEvent is a procedure called by the OnColumnClick event. |
TLVColumnRClickEvent | TLVColumnRClickEvent is a procedure called by the OnColumnRightClick event. |
TLVCompareEvent | TLVCompareEvent is a procedure called by the OnCompare event. |
TLVCreateItemClassEvent | TLVCreateItemClassEvent is a procedure called by the OnCreateItemClass event. |
TLVCustomDrawEvent | TLVCustomDrawEvent is the procedure type of the TCustomListView.OnCustomDraw and the TListView.OnCustomDraw events. |
TLVCustomDrawItemEvent | TLVCustomDrawItemEvent is the procedure type of the TCustomListView.OnCustomDrawItem and TListView.OnCustomDrawItem events. |
TLVCustomDrawSubItemEvent | TLVCustomDrawSubItemEvent is the procedure type of the TCustomListView.OnCustomDrawSubItem and the TListView.OnCustomDrawSubItem events. |
TLVDeletedEvent | TLVDeletedEvent is the type of a list view's OnDeletion and OnInsert event handlers. |
TLVDrawItemEvent | TLVDrawItemEvent is the type of the list view Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnDrawItem and Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnDrawItem event handlers. |
TLVEditedEvent | TLVEditedEvent is the type of the list view Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnEdited and Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnEdited event handlers. |
TLVEditingEvent | TLVEditingEvent is the type of event handlers that respond when the user starts to edit the caption of an item in a list view control. |
TLVInfoTipEvent | TLVInfoTipEvent is the procedure type of the TCustomListView.OnInfoTip and TListView.OnInfoTip events. |
TLVNotifyEvent | TLVNotifyEvent is the procedure type of the TCustomListView.OnGetImageIndex and TListView.OnGetImageIndex events. |
TLVOwnerDataEvent | TLVOwnerDataEvent is the type of a list view's Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnData and Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnData event handlers. |
TLVOwnerDataFindEvent | TLVOwnerDataFindEvent is the type of a list view's Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnDataFind and Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnDataFind event handlers. |
TLVOwnerDataHintEvent | TLVOwnerDataHintEvent is the type of a list view's Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnDataHint and Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnDataHint event handlers. |
TLVOwnerDataStateChangeEvent | TLVOwnerDataStateChangeEvent is the type of a list view's Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnDataStateChange and Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnDataStateChange event handlers. |
TLVSelectItemEvent | TLVSelectItemEvent is the type of a list view's TCustomListView.OnSelectItem and TListView.OnSelectItem event handlers. |
TLVSubItemImageEvent | TLVSubItemImageEvent is the type of a list view's TCustomListView.OnGetSubItemImage and TListView.OnGetSubItemImage event handlers. |
TMultiSelectStyle | |
TMultiSelectStyles | |
TNodeAttachMode | TNodeAttachMode identifies a new or changed tree node relationship. |
TNodeCache | TNodeCache is the type for a cached tree-view node. |
TNodeCheckState | |
TNodeDataInfo | |
TNodeDataInfo2 | |
TNodeDataInfo2x64 | |
TNodeDataInfo2x86 | |
TNodeDataInfo3 | |
TNodeDataInfo3x64 | |
TNodeDataInfo3x86 | |
TNodeDataInfoX86 | |
TNodeDataType | |
TNodeInfo | |
TNodeState | |
TNumberingStyle | |
TOnGetMonthBoldInfoEvent | Type of a calendar's TCommonCalendar.OnGetMonthBoldInfo and TMonthCalendar.OnGetMonthBoldInfo event handlers. |
TOnGetMonthInfoEvent | TOnGetMonthInfoEvent is the type of the Vcl.ComCtrls.TCommonCalendar.OnGetMonthInfo and the Vcl.ComCtrls.TCommonCalendar.OnGetMonthInfo event handlers. |
TOwnerDrawState | Indicates state information that can influence how an item is drawn. |
TPageScrollerButton | TPageScrollerButton identifies a button on a page scroller. |
TPageScrollerButtonState | TPageScrollerButtonState indicates the state of a page scroller button. |
TPageScrollerOrientation | TPageScrollerOrientation indicates the orientation of a page scroller control. |
TPageScrollEvent | TPageScrollEvent is the type of a page scroller's Vcl.ComCtrls.TPageScroller.OnScroll event handler. |
TPositionToolTip | Specifies the position of the tool tip. |
TProgressBarOrientation | TProgressBarOrientation specifies the orientation of a progress bar. |
TProgressBarState | Used to set the State property in and out of an error or paused state. |
TProgressBarStyle | Use the TProgressBarStyle enumeration to set the Style property in and out of marquee style. |
TProgressRange | |
TRichEditLinkClick | |
TRichEditProtectChange | |
TRichEditResizeEvent | TRichEditResizeEvent is the type of a rich edit's TCustomRichEdit.OnResizeRequest and TRichEdit.OnResizeRequest event handlers. |
TRichEditSaveClipboard | |
TRichEditStreamInfo | |
TSBCreatePanelClassEvent | TSBCreatePanelClassEvent is the type of the Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomStatusBar.OnCreatePanelClass and the Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomStatusBar.OnCreatePanelClass event handlers. |
TSearchDirection | Indicates the direction in which to search for the nearest item to a specified item or point. |
TSearchType | Specifies search options. |
TSearchTypes | Set of TSearchType. |
TSectionDragEvent | TSectionDragEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when the user drags a section in a header control. |
TSectionNotifyEvent | TSectionNotifyEvent is the type of a header control's THeaderControl.OnSectionClick and THeaderControl.OnSectionResize event handlers. |
TSectionTrackEvent | TSectionTrackEvent is a procedure called by the OnSectionTrack event. |
TSectionTrackState | Indicates the status of the OnSectionTrack event. |
TSortType | TSortType indicates the criteria to use when sorting items. |
TStatusPanelBevel | TStatusPanelBevel indicates the type of bevel around a panel in a status bar. |
TStatusPanelStyle | TStatusPanelStyle indicates the kind of contents in a status bar panel. |
TSubscriptType | Indicates whether the related text is Subscript, superscript or normal. |
TTabChangingEvent | TTabChangingEvent is the type of a tab control's TTabControl.OnChanging and TCustomTabControl.OnChanging event handlers. |
TTabGetImageEvent | TTabGetImageEvent is the type of a tab control's TCustomTabControl.OnGetImageIndex and TTabControl.OnGetImageIndex event handlers. |
TTabPosition | |
TTabStyle | TTabStyle indicates whether a TTabSet control is owner-drawn. |
TTBAdvancedCustomDrawBtnEvent | TTBAdvancedCustomDrawBtnEvent is the type of a list view's TCustomListView.OnGetSubItemImage and TListView.OnGetSubItemImage event handlers.. |
TTBAdvancedCustomDrawEvent | TTBAdvancedCustomDrawEvent is the type of a list view's TToolBar.OnAdvancedCustomDraw event handler. |
TTBButtonEvent | TTBButtonEvent is the type of event handlers that respond when the user adds or deletes a tool button in the toolbar customize dialog. |
TTBCustomDrawBtnEvent | TTBCustomDrawBtnEvent is the procedure type of the TToolBar.OnCustomDrawButton event. |
TTBCustomDrawEvent | TTBCustomDrawEvent is the type of a toolbar's TToolBar.OnCustomDraw event handlers. |
TTBCustomDrawFlag | |
TTBCustomDrawFlags | TTBCustomDrawFlags is the type of a parameter in the Vcl.ComCtrls.TToolBar.OnAdvancedCustomDrawButton event handler. |
TTBCustomizeQueryEvent | TTBCustomizeQueryEvent is the type of event handlers that allow a toolbar to decide whether to allow a user customization. |
TTBDrawingStyle | Specifies the drawing style for the tool bar. |
TTBGradientDrawingOption | |
TTBGradientDrawingOptions | Specifies the style of the gradient. |
TTBNewButtonEvent | TTBNewButtonEvent is the type of a tool button's TToolBar.OnCustomizeNewButton event handlers. |
TTickMark | TTickMark indicates the location of the tick marks on a track bar. |
TTickStyle | TTickStyle indicates how a track bar determines the increments at which tick marks appear. |
TTileSizeType | |
TToolButtonState | |
TToolButtonStyle | TToolButtonStyle indicates the type of control a TToolButton object represents. |
TTrackBarOrientation | TTrackBarOrientation indicates whether a trackbar is horizontal or vertical. |
TTVAdvancedCustomDrawEvent | Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnAdvancedCustomDraw event. |
TTVAdvancedCustomDrawItemEvent | Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem event. |
TTVChangedEvent | Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnChange event. |
TTVChangingEvent | Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnChanging event. |
TTVCheckStateChangedEvent | |
TTVCheckStateChangingEvent | |
TTVCollapsingEvent | Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnCollapsing event. |
TTVCompareEvent | Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnCompare event. |
TTVCreateNodeClassEvent | TTVCreateNodeClassEvent is the type of a tree view's TCustomTreeView.OnCreateNodeClass event handler. |
TTVCustomDrawEvent | Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnCustomDraw event. |
TTVCustomDrawItemEvent | Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnCustomDrawItem event. |
TTVEditedEvent | Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnEdited event. |
TTVEditingEvent | Used in the TCustomTreeView.OnEditing event. |
TTVEditInstance | Vcl.ComCtrls.TTVEditInstance is an alias to an untyped pointer. |
TTVExpandedEvent | Represents the event handler for events that notify a tree view of changes to one of its nodes. |
TTVExpandingEvent | This event is used in the TCustomTreeView.OnExpanding event when a node is about to be expanded. |
TTVHintEvent | TTVHintEvent is the type of a tree view's OnHint event handler. |
TTVItemStateEx | |
TTVItemStateExSet | |
TUDAlignButton | |
TUDBtnType | |
TUDChangingEvent | Type of an up-down control OnChanging event handler. |
TUDChangingEventEx | Type of the TUpDown event handler that gets called when the position of an up-down control is about to change. |
TUDClickEvent | Type of an OnClick event for an arrow button. |
TUDOrientation | |
TUpDownDirection | TUpDownDirection indicates the direction in which the position of an updown control changes. |
TViewStyle | TViewStyle indicates how a list view control displays its items. |
TWidth | TWidth represents an integer interval. |