Vcl.Direct2D.TDirect2DCanvas Methods

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AfterConstructionpublicResponds after the last constructor has executed.
ArcpublicDraws an arc on the image along the perimeter of the ellipse bounded by the specified rectangle.
AssignpublicCopies the contents of another similar object.
AssignToprotectedCopies the properties of an object to a destination object.
BeforeDestructionpublicResponds before the first destructor executes.
BeginDrawpublicNotifies the canvas object that the drawing has begun.
BrushCopypublicCopies a portion of a bitmap onto a rectangle on the canvas, replacing one of the colors of the bitmap with the brush of the canvas.
ChangedprotectedCalled when the canvas is changed.
ChangingprotectedCalled before the canvas is changed.
CheckDisposedprotectedThis method is deprecated.
ChordpublicDraws a closed figure represented by the intersection of a line and an ellipse.
ClassInfopublicReturns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type.
ClassNamepublicReturns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument).
ClassNameIspublicDetermines whether an object is of a specific type.
ClassParentpublicReturns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class.
ClassTypepublicReturns the class reference for the object's class.
CleanupInstancepublicPerforms finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class.
CreatepublicCreates an instance of TDirect2DCanvas.
CreateBitmappublicCreates a Direct2D bitmap.
CreateBrushpublicCreates a Direct2D brush object.
CreateRenderTargetprotectedInitializes the rendering target.
DefaultHandlerpublicProvides the interface for a method that processes message records.
DefinePropertiesprotectedProvides an interface for a method that reads and writes otherwise unpublished data.
DestroypublicDestroys this instance of TDirect2DCanvas.
DispatchpublicCalls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter.
DisposeOf (deprecated)publicDisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object.
DrawpublicRenders the graphic specified by the Graphic parameter on the canvas at the location given by the coordinates (X, Y).
DrawEllipsepublicDraws an ellipse given by a Direct3D interface.
DrawFocusRectpublicDraws a rectangle in the style used to indicate that the object inside the rectangle has focus.
DrawGeometrypublicDraws a shape on the canvas.
DrawLinepublicDraws a line on the canvas.
DrawRectanglepublicDraws a rectangle on the canvas.
DrawRoundedRectanglepublicDraws a rounded rectangle on the canvas.
EllipsepublicDraws the ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle on the canvas.
EndDrawpublicNotifies the canvas object that the drawing is complete.
EqualspublicChecks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal.
FieldAddresspublicReturns the address of a published object field.
FillEllipsepublicDraws an ellipse given by a Direct3D interface.
FillGeometrypublicDraws a shape on the canvas.
FillRectpublicFills the specified rectangle on the canvas using the current brush.
FillRectanglepublicDraws a rectangle on the canvas.
FillRoundedRectanglepublicDraws a rounded rectangle on the canvas.
FloodFillpublicFills an area of the canvas using the current brush.
FrameRectpublicDraws a rectangle using the Brush of the canvas to draw the border.
FreepublicDestroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary.
FreeInstancepublicDeallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method.
GetBrushprotectedGetBrush is the getter method for the Brush property.
GetCanvasOrientationprotectedRepresents the getter method for the CanvasOrientation property.
GetClipRectprotectedRepresents the getter method of the ClipRect property.
GetDisposedprotectedGetter for the Disposed property.
GetFontprotectedGetFont is the getter method for the Font property.
GetHashCodepublicReturns an integer containing the hash code.
GetInterfacepublicRetrieves a specified interface.
GetInterfaceEntrypublicReturns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class.
GetInterfaceTablepublicReturns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class.
GetNamePathpublicReturns the name of the object as it appears in the Object Inspector.
GetOwnerprotectedReturns the owner of an object.
GetPenprotectedGetPen is the getter method for the Pen property.
GetPenPosprotectedRepresents the getter method of the PenPos property.
GetPixelprotectedRepresents the getter method of the Pixels property.
GetRenderTargetprotectedGetRenderTarget is the getter method for the RenderTarget property.
InheritsFrompublicDetermines the relationship of two object types.
InitInstancepublicInitializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer.
InstanceSizepublicReturns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type.
LineTopublicDraws a line on the canvas from PenPos to the point specified by X and Y, and sets the pen position to (X, Y).
LockpublicPrevents other threads from drawing on the canvas.
MethodAddresspublicReturns the address of a class method by name.
MethodNamepublicReturns the name of a class method by address.
MoveTopublicChanges the current drawing position to the point (X,Y).
NewInstancepublicAllocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.
NotificationprotectedNotifies the canvas that a graphics object is created or removed.
PiepublicDraws a pie-shaped section of the ellipse bounded by the rectangle (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) on the canvas.
PolyBezierpublicDraws a set of Bezier curves.
PolyBezierTopublicDraws a set of Bezier curves and updates the value of PenPos.
PolygonpublicDraws a series of lines on the canvas connecting the points passed in and closing the shape by drawing a line from the last point to the first point.
PolylinepublicDraws a series of lines on the canvas with the current pen, connecting each of the points passed to it in Points.
QualifiedClassNamepublicReturns the qualified name of the class.
RectanglepublicDraws a rectangle on the canvas.
RefreshpublicReleases the associated graphics objects.
RequiredStateprotectedChanges the current state of the canvas to meet the given requirements.
RoundRectpublicDraws a rectangle with rounded corners on the canvas.
SafeCallExceptionpublicHandles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention.
SetBrushprotectedRepresents the setter method for the Brush property.
SetFontprotectedRepresents the setter method for the Font property.
SetPenprotectedRepresents the setter method for the Pen property.
SetPenPosprotectedRepresents the setter method for the PenPos property.
SetPixelprotectedRepresents the setter method for the Pixels property.
StretchDrawpublicDraws the graphic specified by the Graphic parameter in the rectangle specified by the Rect parameter.
SupportedpublicVerifies whether the TDirect2DCanvas is supported on the current operating system.
TextExtentpublicReturns the width and height, in pixels, of a string rendered in the current font.
TextHeightpublicReturns the height, in pixels, of a string rendered in the current font.
TextOutpublicWrites a string on the canvas, starting at the point (X,Y), and then updates the PenPos to the end of the string.
TextRectpublicWrites a string inside a clipping rectangle.
TextWidthpublicReturns the width, in pixels, of a string rendered in the current font.
ToStringpublicReturns a string containing the class name.
TryLockpublicLocks the canvas if it is currently unlocked.
UnitNamepublicReturns the name of the unit where the class is defined.
UnitScopepublicReturns the class's unit scope.
UnlockpublicDecreases the LockCount property, allowing other threads to execute when LockCount reaches 0.