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TPerlRegExOption = (
preCaseLess,       // /i -> Case insensitive
preMultiLine,      // /m -> ^ and $ also match before/after a newline, not just at the beginning and the end of the string
preSingleLine,     // /s -> Dot matches any character, including \n (newline). Otherwise, it matches anything except \n
preExtended,       // /x -> Allow regex to contain extra whitespace, newlines and Perl-style comments, all of which will be filtered out
preAnchored,       // /A -> Successful match can only occur at the start of the subject or right after the previous match
preUnGreedy,       // Repeat operators (+, *, ?) are not greedy by default (i.e. they try to match the minimum number of characters instead of the maximum)
preNoAutoCapture   // (group) is a non-capturing group; only named groups capture


enum DECLSPEC_DENUM TPerlRegExOption : unsigned char { preCaseLess, preMultiLine, preSingleLine, preExtended, preAnchored, preUnGreedy, preNoAutoCapture };


Typ Sichtbarkeit Quelle Unit Übergeordnet
enum public
System.RegularExpressionsCore System.RegularExpressionsCore


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