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TButtonDrawStateItem = (
bdsSelected,     // Item is selected and in the "down" state
bdsHot,          // Item has the mouse over it
bdsFocused,      // Item should show focus
bdsDown,         // Item is being pressed by the user
bdsDragged,      // The drag image for that button is being drawn
bdsInsertLeft,   // Show that an item can be inserted to the left of this item
bdsInsertTop,    // Show that an item can be inserted above this item
bdsInsertRight,  // Show that an item can be inserted to the right of this item
bdsInsertBottom  // Show that an item can be inserted below this item


enum DECLSPEC_DENUM TButtonDrawStateItem : unsigned char { bdsSelected, bdsHot, bdsFocused, bdsDown, bdsDragged, bdsInsertLeft, bdsInsertTop, bdsInsertRight, bdsInsertBottom };


Typ Sichtbarkeit Quelle Unit Übergeordnet
enum public
Vcl.CategoryButtons Vcl.CategoryButtons


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