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property OnClick;


__property OnClick;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
FMX.ExtCtrls TDropTarget


Occurs when the control is clicked.

FMX.ExtCtrls.TDropTarget.OnClick inherits from FMX.Controls.TControl.OnClick. All content below this line refers to FMX.Controls.TControl.OnClick.

Occurs when the control is clicked.

For controls (such as TLabel and TPathLabel) that have the HitTest property set to False by default, the OnClick and OnDblClick mouse events pass through to the control behind this control.

Usually, the OnClick event happens when the left mouse button is pressed and released with the pointer over the control or when Click is called.

For buttons controls, the OnClick event also happens when the control is in focus and the SPACEBAR or ENTER key is pressed.

For controls with state, like TRadioButton and TCheckBox, OnClick does not change the state (the IsChecked property is not changed). OnClick cannot be associated to a form.

See Also