FMX.Grid.TStringGridModel Events

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OnCalcContentBoundspublicEvent that raises after the control calculates its content size.
OnCellClickpublicOccurs when a user releases the mouse in one of the grid cells.
OnCellDblClickpublicOccurs when a user double-clicks one of the grid cells.
OnColumnMovedpublicOccurs after the presentation completes the movement of a column started by MoveColumn.
OnCreateCustomEditorpublic Occurs before the creation of the editor for cells in a column.
OnDrawColumnBackgroundpublicOccurs when the presentation needs to draw the background of a cell, and allows you to draw the cell background yourself to customize it.
OnDrawColumnCellpublicOccurs when the presentation needs to draw a cell, and allows you to draw the cell yourself to customize it.
OnDrawColumnHeaderpublicOccurs when the presentation needs to draw a column header, and allows you to draw the column header yourself to customize it.
OnEditingDonepublicOccurs after the value of a cell is modified using a cell editor and that value is successfully updated on the data source.
OnGetValueprotectedOccurs when the grid, using this grid model, needs to retrieve a value from an external repository to use as the content of one of the cells in the grid.
OnHeaderClickpublicOccurs after the header of a column is clicked.
OnSelChangedpublicOccurs after the selected cell changes.
OnSelectCellpublicOccurs before the selected cell changes.
OnSetValuepublicOccurs when you need to pass a content of one of the cells in a grid, using this grid model, as a value to an external repository.
OnViewportPositionChangepublicRaises when the value of ViewportPosition was changed.