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property DropDownCount;


__property DropDownCount = {default=8};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
FMX.ListBox TComboBox


Specifies the maximum number of items displayed in the drop-down list.

FMX.ListBox.TComboBox.DropDownCount inherits from FMX.ListBox.TCustomComboBox.DropDownCount. All content below this line refers to FMX.ListBox.TCustomComboBox.DropDownCount.

Specifies the maximum number of items displayed in the drop-down list.

By default, the drop-down list displays 8 items that are visible without requiring the user to scroll. To make the drop-down list smaller or larger, specify a number smaller or larger than eight as the DropDownCount value.

If the DropDownCount value is larger than the number of items, the drop-down list will be only large enough to display the existing items. If the DropDownCount value is smaller than the number of items, the drop-down list displays a scroll bar.

See Also