FMX.ListView.Adapters.Base.TListViewItems Events

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OnChangedpublicOccurs when you change the items of the list view adapter (add new items, delete one or all items, sort items, and so on).
OnItemsCouldHaveChangedpublicOccurs after a process that may or may not have changed the items of the list view adapter ends.
OnItemsInvalidatepublicOccurs when an item of the list view adapter requests to be repainted.
OnItemsMayChangepublicOccurs before a process that may or may not have changed the items of the list view adapter ends.
OnItemsResizepublicOccurs when an item of the list view adapter indicates that its height has changed.
OnResetViewpublicOccurs when an item of the list view adapter indicates that it has suffered changes that affect its visual appearance, such as a change of purpose.