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property ControlType;


__property ControlType = {default=0};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
FMX.ScrollBox TPresentedScrollBox


Specifies the Styled or Platform presentation type of the presented control.

FMX.ScrollBox.TPresentedScrollBox.ControlType inherits from FMX.Controls.Presentation.TPresentedControl.ControlType. All content below this line refers to FMX.Controls.Presentation.TPresentedControl.ControlType.

Specifies the Styled or Platform presentation type of the presented control.

TControlType defines the following values:

  • Styled represents the standard FireMonkey styled control. Such controls look the same on all versions of a given platform. This is the default value.
  • Platform represents the native control of the target platform.

Native Controls

Currently, only iOS and Windows support native controls. ControlType values on any other platforms do not have any effect.

For complete lists of native controls, see:

There are some advantages and limitations that you need to consider when using native controls. For example, there are some event handlers that are not supported on native controls. See Limitations of Native Controls for more details. On the other hand, native presentations of TEdit and TMemo support additional functionality, such as auto-completion and spell-checking on iOS and additional context-menu options on Windows. See Advantages of Native Controls for more details.

Combining Native Controls With Non-native Controls

There are several non-native controls that have the ControlType property. If you set the ControlType property of non-native controls to Platform, you may still apply FireMonkey styling to them. The ControlType property of non-native controls allows you to combine them with native controls. See FireMonkey Native Controls - Combining Native Controls With Non-native Controls for more details.

See Also