System.Actions.TCustomShortCutList Properties
Capacity | public | Indicates the number of strings the TStrings object can hold. |
CaseSensitive | public | Controls whether strings are located, sorted, and identified as duplicates in a case-sensitive or case-insensitive manner. |
CommaText | public | Lists the strings in the TStrings object in a single comma-delimited string. |
Count | public | Introduces an abstract property to represent the number of strings in the list. |
DefaultEncoding | public | The default encoding for the current object. |
DelimitedText | public | Represents all the strings in the TStrings object as a single delimited string. |
Delimiter | public | Specifies the delimiter used by the DelimitedText property. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
Duplicates | public | Specifies whether duplicate strings can be added to sorted lists. |
Encoding | public | Character encoding determined during reading from a stream or file. |
IsEmpty | public | |
KeyNames | public | Indicates the names from the list of strings that contains name-value pairs. |
LineBreak | public | Defines line-break characters. |
Names | public | Indicates the name part of strings that are name-value pairs. |
NameValueSeparator | public | Indicates the character used to separate names from values. |
Objects | public | Represents a set of objects that are associated one with each of the strings in the Strings property. |
Options | public | Controls a set of boolean properties of TStrings. |
OwnsObjects | public | Specifies whether the string list owns the objects it contains. |
QuoteChar | public | Specifies the quote character used by the DelimitedText property. |
ShortCuts | public | The array property storing TShortCut values. |
Sorted | public | Specifies whether the strings in the list should be automatically sorted. |
StrictDelimiter | public | Determines how the Delimiter property is used. |
Strings | public | References the strings in the list by their positions. |
StringsAdapter | public | Implements an IStringsAdapter interface for the TStrings object. |
Text | public | Lists the strings in the TStrings object as a single string with the individual strings delimited by carriage returns and line feeds. |
TrailingLineBreak | public | Determines whether to add a line Break after the last line of the Text property or not. |
UpdateCount | protected | Indicates the number of calls to BeginUpdate that have not been matched by a call to EndUpdate. |
Updating | public | Indicates whether or not the list of strings is in the middle of an update. |
UseLocale | public | Determines the implementation that the list of strings must use for string comparison. |
ValueFromIndex | public | Represents the value part of a string with a given index, on strings that are name-value pairs. |
Values | public | Represents the value part of a string associated with a given name, on strings that are name-value pairs. |
WriteBOM | public | Will cause SaveToStream and SaveToFile to write a BOM. |