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function IndexOf(const S: string): Integer; override;


virtual int __fastcall IndexOf(const System::UnicodeString S);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.IniFiles THashedStringList


Returns the position of a string in the list.

System.IniFiles.THashedStringList.IndexOf inherits from System.Classes.TStringList.IndexOf. All content below this line refers to System.Classes.TStringList.IndexOf.

Returns the position of a string in the list.

Call IndexOf to obtain the position of the first occurrence of a string that matches S. A string matches S if it is identical to S or, if CaseSensitive is False, if they differ only in case.

IndexOf will work in this way on the condition that Sorted is set to False and Duplicates is set to dupIgnore or dupError. This reflects the internal definition of IndexOf, which calls Find if Sorted is set to True and will locate any string in the list that matches the parameter S. Consequently, if Duplicates is set to dupAccept, the result will not always be the first string matching the parameter S.

Note that IndexOf returns the 0-based index of the string. Thus, if S matches the first string in the list, IndexOf returns 0, if S is the second string, IndexOf returns 1, and so on. If the string does not have a match in the string list, IndexOf returns -1.

See Also