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procedure Write(Value: Boolean); override;
procedure Write(Value: Char); override;
procedure Write(const Value: TCharArray); override;
procedure Write(Value: Double); override;
procedure Write(Value: Integer); override;
procedure Write(Value: Int64); override;
procedure Write(Value: TObject); override;
procedure Write(Value: Single); override;
procedure Write(const Value: string); override;
procedure Write(Value: Cardinal); override;
procedure Write(Value: UInt64); override;
procedure Write(const Format: string; Args: array of const); override;
procedure Write(const Value: TCharArray; Index, Count: Integer); override;


virtual void __fastcall Write(bool Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(System::WideChar Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(const System::Sysutils::TCharArray Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(double Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(int Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(__int64 Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(System::TObject* Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(float Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(const System::UnicodeString Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(unsigned Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(unsigned __int64 Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(const System::UnicodeString Format, System::TVarRec *Args, const System::NativeInt Args_High)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall Write(const System::Sysutils::TCharArray Value, int Index, int Count)/* overload */;
inline void __fastcall  Write(System::WideChar Value, int Count){ System::Classes::TTextWriter::Write(Value, Count); }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
System.JSON.Writers TASCIIStreamWriter


Writes data as characters.

System.JSON.Writers.TASCIIStreamWriter.Write inherits from System.Classes.TStreamWriter.Write. All content below this line refers to System.Classes.TStreamWriter.Write.

Writes data as characters.

Write writes the given data type as a text representation to the stream.

This method is functionally identical to the Microsoft .NET method StreamWriter.Write.

See Also

Code Examples