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System.MathDefines classes, routines, types, variables, and constants related to mathematical operations, vectors and matrixes.
System.Math.VectorsDefines classes, routines, types and variables for using vectors and matrixes.


EInvalidArgumentEInvalidArgument is the exception class for out-of-range parameters in specialized math and accounting functions.


ArcCosCalculates the inverse cosine of a given number.
ArcCoshCalculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a given number.
ArcCotCalculates the inverse cotangent of a given number.
ArcCotHCalculates the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a given number.
ArcCscCalculates the inverse cosecant of a given number.
ArcCscHCalculates the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of a given number.
ArcSecCalculates the inverse secant of a given number.
ArcSecHCalculates the inverse hyperbolic secant of a given number.
ArcSinCalculates the inverse sine of a given number.
ArcSinhCalculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of a given number.
ArcTan2Calculates the arctangent angle and quadrant of a given number.
ArcTanhCalculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a given number.
CeilRounds variables up toward positive infinity.
ClearExceptionsClears floating-point number's cumulative exception flags and raises cumulative floating-point number's exceptions if RaisePending is True.
ClearFPUExceptionsClears all exception bits in the FPU status word.
ClearSSEExceptionsClears all exception bits in the SSE’s MXCSR register.
CompareValueReturns the relationship between two numeric values.
CosecantReturns the cosecant of an angle.
CoshCalculates the hyperbolic cosine of an angle.
CotCalculates the cotangent of an angle.
CotanCalculates the cotangent of an angle.
CotHCalculates the hyperbolic cotangent of an angle.
CscReturns the cosecant of an angle.
CscHReturns the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle.
CycleToDegConverts an angle measurement from cycles to degrees.
CycleToGradConverts an angle measurement from cycles to grads.
CycleToRadConverts an angle measurement from cycles to radians.
DegToCycleReturns the value of a degree measurement expressed in cycles.
DegToGradReturns the value of a degree measurement expressed in grads.
DegToRadReturns the value of a degree measurement expressed in radians.
DivModReturns the result of an integer division, including the remainder.
DoubleDecliningBalanceCalculates the depreciation of an asset using the double-declining balance method.
EnsureRangeReturns the closest value to a specified value within a specified range.
FloorRounds variables toward negative infinity.
FModReturns the remainder of ANumerator / ADenominator (like mod in integers) with the same sign as ANumerator.
FrexpSeparates the Mantissa and Exponent of X
FutureValueCalculates the future value of an investment.
GetExceptionMaskReturns the current floating-point exception mask.
GetExceptionsRetrieves the set of active floating-point exceptions.
GetFPUExceptionMaskReturns the set of masked FPU floating-point arithmetic exceptions.
GetFPURoundModeGets the Intel FPU's rounding mode.
GetPrecisionModeReturns the Intel FPU precision control mode.
GetRoundModeReturns the current floating-point rounding mode.
GetSSEExceptionMaskReturns the set of masked Intel SSE arithmetic exceptions.
GetSSERoundModeGets the Intel SSE's rounding mode.
GradToCycleConverts grad measurements to cycles.
GradToDegConverts grad measurements to degrees.
GradToRadConverts grad measurements to radians.
HypotCalculates the length of the hypotenuse.
IfThenConditionally returns one of two specified values.
InRangeIndicates whether a value falls within a specified range.
InterestPaymentCalculates the interest portion of a loan payment.
InterestRateReturns the interest rate required to increase PresentValue to FutureValue.
InternalRateOfReturnCalculates the internal rate of return for an investment.
IntPowerCalculates the integral power of a base value.
IsInfiniteIndicates when a variable or expression represents an infinite value.
IsNanIndicates when a variable or expression does not evaluate to a numeric value.
IsZeroIndicates when a floating-point variable or expression evaluates to zero, or very close to zero.
LdexpCalculates X times (2 to the power of P).
LnXP1Returns the natural log of (X+1)
Log10Calculates log base 10.
Log2Calculates log base 2.
LogNCalculates the log of X for a specified base.
MaxReturns the greater of two numeric values.
MaxIntValueReturns the largest signed value in an integer array.
MaxValueReturns the largest signed value in an array.
MeanReturns the average of all values in an array.
MeanAndStdDevCalculates the mean and standard deviation of array elements.
MinReturns the lesser of two numeric values.
MinIntValueReturns the smallest signed value in an integer array.
MinValueReturns smallest signed value in an array.
MomentSkewKurtosisCalculates the mean, variance, skew, and kurtosis.
NetPresentValueCalculates the current value from an array of estimated cash flow values.
NormReturns the Euclidean 'L-2' norm.
NumberOfPeriodsReturns the number of payment periods for an investment.
PaymentCalculates a fully amortized payment.
PeriodPaymentReturns the principal amount from a full payment.
PolyEvaluates a uniform polynomial of one variable at the value X.
PopnStdDevCalculates the population standard deviation.
PopnVarianceCalculates the population variance.
PowerRaises Base to any Exponent power.
PresentValueCalculates the present value of an investment.
RadToCycleConverts radians to cycles.
RadToDegConverts radians to degrees.
RadToGradConverts radians to grads.
RaiseExceptionsRaises cumulative floating-point number's exceptions.
RandGGenerates random numbers with Gaussian distribution.
RandomFromReturns a randomly selected element from an array.
RandomRangeReturns a random integer from a specified range.
RoundToRounds a floating-point value to a specified digit or power of ten using "Banker's rounding".
SameValueIndicates whether two floating-point values are (approximately) equal.
SecCalculates the secant of an angle.
SecantCalculates the secant of an angle.
SecHCalculates the hyperbolic secant of an angle.
SetExceptionMaskSets the exception mask for the floating-point exceptions.
SetExceptionsSets the floating-point exceptions specified in Exceptions.
SetFPUExceptionMaskSets the floating-point exception masks TFPUExceptionMask in the Intel FPU control word.
SetFPURoundModeSets the Intel X87 FPU's rounding mode.
SetPrecisionModeSets the Intel FPU precision control mode.
SetRoundModeSets the rounding mode for floating-point calculations.
SetSSEExceptionMaskSets the floating-point exception masks TSSEExceptionMask in the Intel SSE’s MXCSR register.
SetSSERoundModeSets the Intel SSE's rounding mode.
SignIndicates whether a numeric value is positive, negative, or zero.
SimpleRoundToRounds a floating-point value to a specified digit or power of ten using symmetric arithmetic rounding.
SinCosReturns sine and cosine of an angle.
SinhReturns the hyperbolic sine of an angle.
SLNDepreciationReturns the straight-line depreciation allowance of an asset.
StdDevReturns the sample standard deviation for elements in an array.
SumReturns the sum of the elements in an array.
SumIntReturns the sum of the elements in an integer array.
SumOfSquaresReturns the sum of the squared values from a data array.
SumsAndSquaresReturns the sum of the values and the sum of the squared values in an array.
SYDDepreciationCalculates depreciation for an asset.
TanReturns the tangent of X.
TanhReturns the hyperbolic tangent of X.
TotalVarianceReturns the statistical variance from an array of values.
VarianceCalculates statistical sample variance from an array of data.


TArithmeticExceptionEnumeration that holds values representing floating-point exceptions.
TArithmeticExceptionMaskSpecifies a set of masked floating-point exceptions.
TArithmeticExceptionsSpecifies a set of handled floating-point exceptions.
TFPUExceptionEnumeration that holds values representing FPU floating-point exceptions.
TFPUExceptionMaskSpecifies a set of masked FPU floating-point exceptions.
TFPUPrecisionModeTFPUPrecisionMode defines how the FPU handles precision.
TFPURoundingModeEnumerates the FPU's floating-point rounding modes.
TPaymentTimeTPaymentTime is an enumerated type used as a parameter in financial functions.
TRoundingModeEnumerates the floating-point rounding modes.

Represents the permitted range for a power of ten used by System.Math.RoundTo.

TRoundToRangeTRoundToRange defines the RoundTo rounding limits.
TSSEExceptionEnumeration that holds values representing SSE floating-point exceptions.
TSSEExceptionMaskSpecifies a set of masked SSE floating-point exceptions.
TSSERoundingModeEnumerates the SSE's floating-point rounding modes.
TValueSignTValueSign defines the Sign returned value.


InfinityInfinity represents positive infinity.
MaxCompMaxComp represents the maximum absolute value for a Comp variable.
MinCompMinComp represents the minimum value for a Comp variable.
NaNNaN represents a value that cannot be represented as a valid number.
NegInfinityNegInfinity represents negative infinity.


DefaultExceptionFlagsDefaultExceptionFlags: Set = [];
exAllArithmeticExceptionsexAllArithmeticExceptions: Set = [exInvalidOp..exPrecision];
LegacyExceptionFlagsLegacyExceptionFlags: Set = [exInvalidOp,exZeroDivide..exOverflow];
MaxDoubleMaxDouble: Extended = 1.798e+308;
MaxExtendedMaxExtended: Extended = 1.19e+4932;
MaxExtended80MaxExtended80: Extended = 1.19e+4932;
MaxSingleMaxSingle: Extended = 3.403e+38;
MinDoubleMinDouble: Extended = 2.225e-308;
MinDoubleDenormalMinDoubleDenormal: Extended = 4.941e-324;
MinExtendedMinExtended: Extended = 3.362e-4932;
MinExtended80MinExtended80: Extended = 3.362e-4932;
MinExtended80DenormalMinExtended80Denormal: Extended = 0;
MinExtendedDenormalMinExtendedDenormal: Extended = 0;
MinSingleMinSingle: Extended = 1.175e-38;
MinSingleDenormalMinSingleDenormal: Extended = 1.401e-45;
NegativeValueNegativeValue: Integer = $FFFFFFFF;
PositiveValuePositiveValue: Integer = 1;
seAESNIseAESNI: Integer = $80;
sePCLMULQDQsePCLMULQDQ: Integer = $100;
sePOPCNTsePOPCNT: Integer = $40;
seSSEseSSE: Integer = 1;
seSSE2seSSE2: Integer = 2;
seSSE3seSSE3: Integer = 4;
seSSE41seSSE41: Integer = $10;
seSSE42seSSE42: Integer = $20;
seSSSE3seSSSE3: Integer = 8;
ZeroValueZeroValue: Integer = 0;