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System.SensorsSensors are pieces of hardware or software that can provide measures of physical quantities to your applications. This unit provides classes and components that let you obtain information and manage system sensors.
System.Sensors.ComponentsA sensor measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal that can be read by an application. System.Sensors.Components provides your applications with components that let you obtain information from many different types of hardware sensors.


EGeocoderExceptionGeneral geocoder exception.
EGpsStatusExceptionGeneral GPS status exception.
ELocationSensorExceptionUsed for location sensor errors.
ESensorExceptionGeneral sensor exception.
ESensorExceptionClassMetaclass for sensor exceptions.
ESensorManagerExceptionGeneral sensor manager exception.
TCivicAddressKeeps a civic address.
TCustomBiometricSensorGives information regarding human-device interaction.
TCustomElectricalSensorGives information about electrical properties of the device.
TCustomEnvironmentalSensorGives information about temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind direction and wind speed.
TCustomLightSensorGives information about illuminance, light temperature and light chromaticity.
TCustomLocationSensorUsed to determine the location information of the device.
TCustomMechanicalSensorUsed to determine mechanical information about the device.
TCustomMotionSensorOffers information about the acceleration, angle, state, and speed of the device motion.
TCustomOrientationSensorGives information about the device inclination, distance and compass heading.
TCustomScannerSensorUsed for Radio-frequency identification (RFID) and Barcode Data scanning.
TCustomSensorProvides properties that give information about the actual hardware or logical (software) sensor installed on your system, such as the name, description, category, model or manufacturer.
TGeocoderUsed for handling geocoding and reverse geocoding.
TGeocoderClassGeocoder implementer class.
TGpsStatusOffers information about the GPS service.
TGpsStatusClassGPS status implementer class.
TSensorManagerUsed to identify the sensors connected to the computer and make them available for use within applications.


TAuthorizationTypeType that represents the authorization state of an application to use a sensor.
TBiometricSensorTypeType that defines the type of sensor of a TCustomBiometricSensor.
TConvertAddressEventType of event handler for the TCivicAddress.OnConvertAddress event.
TElectricalSensorTypeType that defines the type of sensor of a TCustomElectricalSensor.
TEnvironmentalSensorTypeType that defines the type of sensor of a TCustomEnvironmentalSensor.
TGeocodeEventType of event handler for the TGeocoder.OnGeocode event.
TGeocodeReverseEventType of event handler for the TGeocoder.OnGeocodeReverse event.
TGpsSatelliteStores information about the status of a satelite.
THeadingStructure describing in which direction a device is headed.
THeadingChangedEventType of event handler for the TCustomLocationSensor.OnHeadingChanged and TLocationSensor.OnHeadingChanged events.
TLightSensorTypeType that defines the type of sensor of a TCustomLightSensor.
TLocationAccuracyType to specify the accuracy of the measurements of a location sensor in meters.
TLocationChangedEventType of event handler for the TCustomLocationSensor.OnLocationChanged and TLocationSensor.OnLocationChanged events.
TLocationChangeTypeType to specify the level of accuracy of the location data updates provided by the location sensor.
TLocationCoord2DStructure describing the geographical 2D coordinates.
TLocationDegreesType to specify a latitude or a longitude in degrees.
TLocationDistanceDistance between two geographic points measured in meters.
TLocationRegionStructure describing a geographical region.
TLocationSensorTypeType that defines the type of sensor of a TCustomLocationSensor.
TMechanicalSensorTypeType that defines the type of sensor of a TCustomMechanicalSensor.
TMotionSensorTypeType that defines the type of sensor of a TCustomMotionSensor.
TOrientationSensorTypeType that defines the type of sensor of a TCustomOrientationSensor.
TPowerConsumptionType that represents the current power of a location sensor.
TRegionProximityEventType of event handler for events that occur when the user enters or leaves a region.
TScannerSensorTypeType that defines the type of sensor of a TCustomScannerSensor.
TSensorArrayArray of sensors.
TSensorCategoriesSet of sensor categories.
TSensorCategoryType that represents a sensor category.
TSensorFilterRepresents a sensor filter type.
TSensorManagerEventType of event handler for TSensorManager.
TSensorStateType to specify a state of a system sensor.