System.SysUtils.TStringHelper Methods

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ComparepublicCompares two strings for equality.
CompareOrdinalpublicCompareOrdinal compares two strings by evaluating the numeric values of the corresponding characters in each string.
CompareTextpublicCompares two strings by their ordinal value, without case sensitivity.
CompareTopublicCompares this string against a given string.
ContainspublicReturns whether this string contains the given string.
CopypublicCopies and returns the given string.
CopyTopublicCopies memory allocated for several characters in the string to the memory allocated for characters in another string.
CountCharpublicCountChar counts the occurrences of the C character in the string.
CreatepublicCreates a string with a specified number of repeating characters.
DeQuotedStringpublicThis method removes the quote characters from a string.
EndsTextpublicReturns whether the given string ends with the given substring.
EndsWithpublicReturns whether this string ends with the given Value substring.
EqualspublicReturns whether the two given strings are identical.
FormatpublicIdentical to Format function.
GetHashCodepublicReturns the hash code for this string.
IndexOfpublicReturns an integer that specifies the position of the first occurrence of a character or a substring within this string, starting the search at StartIndex. This method returns -1 if the value is not found or StartIndex specifies an invalid value.
IndexOfAnypublicReturns an integer indicating the position of the first given character found in the string.
InsertpublicInserts a string in this string at the given position.
IsDelimiterpublicIndicates whether a specified character in this string matches one of a set of delimiters.
IsEmptypublicReturns whether this string is empty (does not contain any characters).
IsNullOrEmptypublicIs a static class function that returns whether the given string is empty or not (does not contain any characters).
IsNullOrWhiteSpacepublicIndicates if a specified string is empty or consists only of white-space characters.
JoinpublicJoins two or more strings together separated by the given Separator.
LastDelimiterpublicReturns the string index in this string of the rightmost whole character that matches any character in Delims (except null = #0).
LastIndexOfpublicReturns the last index of the Value string in the current string.
LastIndexOfAnypublicReturns the last index of any character of the AnyOf character array, in the current string.
LowerCasepublicConverts an ASCII string to lowercase.
PadLeftpublicRight-aligns a string into a fixed-length text space.
PadRightpublicLeft-aligns a string into a fixed length text space.
ParsepublicParse converts Integer, Boolean and Extended types to their string representations.
QuotedStringpublicQuotedString doubles all the occurrences of a character and also adds it to the edges of the string.
RemovepublicRemoves the substring at the position StartIndex and optionally until the position StartIndex + Count, if specified, from this string.
ReplacepublicReplaces an old character or string with a new given character or string.
SplitpublicSplits this string into substrings, using the given Separator.
StartsTextpublicReturns True if the given string starts with the given substring.
StartsWithpublicReturns whether this string starts with the given string.
SubstringpublicReturns the substring starting at the position StartIndex and optionally ending at the position StartIndex + Length, if specified, from this string.
ToBooleanpublicConverts a string to a Boolean value.
ToCharArraypublicTransforms this string into a TArray<Char> (a character array) and returns it.
ToDoublepublicConverts a given string to a floating-point value.
ToExtendedpublicConverts a given string to a floating-point value.
ToIntegerpublicConverts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number.
ToLowerpublicTransforms this string into an all lowercase characters string and returns it.
ToLowerInvariantpublicTransforms this string into an all-lowercase characters string and returns it. The conversion is done using the UTF-16 character representation, according to Unicode specification.
ToSinglepublicConverts a given string to a floating-point value.
ToUpperpublicTransforms this string into an all-uppercase characters string and returns it.
ToUpperInvariantpublicTransforms this string into an all-uppercase characters string and returns it. The conversion is done using the UTF-16 character representation, according to the Unicode specification.
TrimpublicTrims leading and trailing spaces and control characters from this string.
TrimEnd (deprecated)publicTrims the given trailing characters from this string.
TrimLeftpublicTrims the given leading characters from this string.
TrimRightpublicTrims the given trailing characters from a string.
TrimStart (deprecated)publicTrims the given leading characters from this string.
UpperCasepublicConverts an ASCII string to uppercase.