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EPropertyConvertErrorEPropertyConvertError is the exception class for type errors when attempting to get or set the value of a property.
EPropertyErrorEPropertyError is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to set the value of a property.
TPublishableVariantTypeTPublishableVariantType is the base class for custom Variant types that surface the published properties of an object that represents the Variant's data.


ByteOffsetOfSetReturns the byte offset on the memory of Set type.
FreeAndNilPropertiesFrees any property values that are objects and sets their value to nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).
GetAnsiStrPropReturns the value of a component property that is of AnsiString type.
GetDynArrayPropReturns the value of a component property that is a dynamic array type.
GetEnumNameReturns the name of a Delphi enumerated type constant given its value.
GetEnumPropReturns the value of a component property that is an enumerated type.
GetEnumValueReturns the value of an enumerated type constant given its string representation.
GetFloatPropReturns the value of a component property that is a float type.
GetInt64PropReturns the value of a component property that is an Int64 type.
GetInterfacePropReturns the value of a component property that is an interface type.
GetMethodPropReturns the value of a component property that is a method type.
GetObjectPropReturns the value of a component property that is an object type.
GetObjectPropClassReturns the class type of a component property that is an object type.
GetOrdPropReturns the value of a component property that is an ordinal type or a class type.
GetPropInfoRetrieves information about a component's property.
GetPropInfosRetrieves a list of component properties.
GetPropListRetrieves a list of component properties.
GetPropNameReturns the name of a component property identified by a given PPropInfo.
GetPropValueRetrieves a component property value as a variant.
GetSetElementNameReturns the string representation of a given constant.
GetSetElementValueReturns the integer representation of a given constant identified by its name.
GetSetPropReturns the value of a component property that is a set type.
GetStrPropReturns the value of a component property that is a string type.
GetTypeDataReturns a pointer to information about a type.
GetTypeNameReturns the name of the type from its type information record.
GetUnicodeStrProp (deprecated)Returns the value of a component property that is of UnicodeString type.
GetVariantPropReturns the value of a component property that is a variant type.
GetWideStrPropReturns the value of a component property that is a WideString type.
IsPublishedPropDetermines if a specified component property is a published property.
IsStoredPropDetermines if a specified component property has the stored attribute.
PropIsTypeDetermines if a component property is of a particular data type.
PropTypeRetrieves a component's property type.
SamePropTypeNameChecks whether the two given property names are equal.
SetAnsiStrPropSets the value of a component property that is of AnsiString type.
SetDynArrayPropSets the value of a component property that is a dynamic array type.
SetEnumPropSets the value of a component property that is an enumerated type.
SetFloatPropSets the value of a component property that is a float type.
SetInt64PropSets the value of a component property that is an Int64 type.
SetInterfacePropSets the value of a component property that is an Interface type.
SetMethodPropSets the value of a component property that is a method type.
SetObjectPropSets the value of a component property that is an object type.
SetOrdPropSets the value of a component property that is an ordinal type.
SetPropValueSets the value of a component property using a variant value.
SetSetPropSets the value of a component property that is a set type.
SetStrPropSets the value of a component property that is a string type.
SetToStringReturns one or more of the set values of a component's property.
SetUnicodeStrProp (deprecated)Sets the value of a component property that is of UnicodeString type.
SetVariantPropSets the value of a component property that is a variant type.
SetWideStrPropSets the value of a component property that is a WideString type.
SizeOfSetReturns the byte size on the memory of the Set type.
SortPropListSorts a list of component properties into alphanumeric sequence.
StringToSetReturns a bit mask of set values for a set type component property.


PArrayTypeDataPArrayTypeData is used internally to store array RTTI information.
PAttrEntryPAttrEntry is used internally to represent an attribute.
PFieldExEntryPFieldExEntry is used internally to store field RTTI information.
PIntfMethodEntryPIntfMethodEntry is used internally to store method RTTI information.
PIntfMethodEntryTailPIntfMethodEntryTail is used internally to store method RTTI information.
PIntfMethodParamPIntfMethodParam is used internally to store method parameter RTTI information.
PIntfMethodParamTailPIntfMethodParamTail is used internally to store method parameter RTTI information.
PIntfMethodTablePIntfMethodTable is used internally to store method RTTI information.
PManagedFieldPManagedField is used internally to store managed field RTTI information.
PProcedureParamPProcedureParam is used internally to store procedure parameter RTTI information.
PProcedureSignaturePProcedureSignature is used internally to store procedure RTTI information.
PPropDataPPropData is used internally to store property RTTI information.
PPropDataExPPropDataEx is used internally to store property RTTI information.
PPropInfoPPropInfo points to a TPropInfo record that holds component property information.
PPropInfoExPPropInfoEx is used internally to store property RTTI information.
PPropListDefines a pointer to a TPropList array.
PPTypeInfoHolds a pointer to a pointer to information for a data type as returned by TypeInfo.
PRecordTypeFieldPRecordTypeField is used internally to store record field RTTI information.
PTypeDataPTypeData points to a TTypeData record that holds component property type information.
PTypeInfoHolds a pointer to information for a data type as returned by TypeInfo.
PVmtFieldClassTabPVmtFieldClassTab is used internally to store instance field RTTI information.
PVmtFieldEntryPVmtFieldEntry is used internally to store instance field RTTI information.
PVmtFieldTablePVmtFieldTable is used internally to store instance field RTTI information.
PVmtMethodEntryPVmtMethodEntry is used internally to store method RTTI information.
PVmtMethodEntryTailPVmtMethodEntryTail is used internally to store method RTTI information.
PVmtMethodExEntryPVmtMethodExEntry is used internally to store method RTTI information.
PVmtMethodParamPVmtMethodParam is used internally to store method parameter RTTI information.
PVmtMethodTablePVmtMethodTable is used internally to store method RTTI information.
TArrayTypeDataTArrayTypeData is used internally to store array RTTI information.
TAttrDataTAttrData is used internally to store attributes.
TAttrEntryTAttrEntry is used internally to represent an attribute.
TCallConvEnumerates the possible calling conventions supported by Delphi.
TFieldExEntryTFieldExEntry is used internally to store field RTTI information.
TFloatTypeEnumerates floating point number types in the TTypeData record.
TIntfFlagEnumerates interface flag types in the TTypeData record.
TIntfFlagsEnumerates interface flag types in the TTypeData record.
TIntfFlagsBaseSet of interface flag types in the TTypeData record.
TIntfMethodEntryTIntfMethodEntry is used internally to store method RTTI information.
TIntfMethodEntryTailTIntfMethodEntryTail is used internally to store method RTTI information.
TIntfMethodParamTIntfMethodParam is used internally to store method parameter RTTI information.
TIntfMethodParamTailTIntfMethodParamTail is used internally to store method parameter RTTI information.
TIntfMethodTablePIntfMethodTable is used internally to store method RTTI information.
TManagedFieldTManagedField is used internally to store managed field RTTI information.
TMemberVisibilityEnumerates the possible visibility specifiers of a class, interface, or record member.
TMethodKindEnumerates floating point number types in the TTypeData record.
TOrdTypeEnumerates integer types in the TTypeData record.
TParamFlagTParamFlag and TParamFlags indicates the attributes of a method parameter.
TParamFlagsTParamFlag and TParamFlags indicate the attributes of a method parameter.
TParamFlagsBaseTParamFlag and TParamFlagsBase indicate the attributes of a method parameter.
TProcedureParamTProcedureParam is used internally to store procedure parameter RTTI information.
TProcedureSignatureTProcedureSignature is used internally to store procedure RTTI information.
TPropDataTPropData is used internally to store property RTTI information.
TPropDataExTPropDataEx is used internally to store property RTTI information.
TPropInfoTPropInfo is a record of component property type information.
TPropInfoExTPropInfoEx is used internally to store property RTTI information.
TPropInfoProcTPropInfoProc is used internally when retrieving property information.
TPropListDefines an array of PPropInfo values.
TRecordTypeFieldTRecordTypeField is used internally to store record field RTTI information.
TSymbolNameDefines a fixed length string for general use in the TTypeData record.
TTypeDataTTypeData is used internally to represent type information.
TTypeInfoHolds information for a data type as returned by TypeInfo.
TTypeKindEnumerates the possible type kinds in the Delphi language.
TTypeKindsDefines a set of possible type kinds in the Delphi language.
TVmtFieldClassTabTVmtFieldClassTab is used internally to store instance field RTTI information.
TVmtFieldEntryTVmtFieldEntry is used internally to store instance field RTTI information.
TVmtFieldTableTVmtFieldTable is used internally to store instance field RTTI information.
TVmtMethodEntryTVmtMethodEntry is used internally to store method RTTI information.
TVmtMethodEntryTailTVmtMethodEntryTail is used internally to store method RTTI information.
TVmtMethodExEntryTVmtMethodExEntry is used internally to store method RTTI information.
TVmtMethodParamTVmtMethodParam is used internally to store method parameter RTTI information.
TVmtMethodTableTVmtMethodTable is used internally to store method RTTI information.


BooleanIdentsAn array of string representations of true and false.
DotSepSpecifies the dot ('.') character.


tkAnytkAny: Set = [tkUnknown..tkMRecord];
tkMethodstkMethods: Set = [tkMethod];
tkPropertiestkProperties: Set = [tkInteger..tkClass,tkWChar..tkMRecord];