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constructor Create(DockSite: TWinControl); overload; override;
constructor Create(DockSite: TWinControl;
ADockCaptionOrientation: TDockCaptionOrientation); reintroduce; overload;


__fastcall virtual TCaptionedDockTree(Vcl::Controls::TWinControl* DockSite)/* overload */;
__fastcall TCaptionedDockTree(Vcl::Controls::TWinControl* DockSite, TDockCaptionOrientation ADockCaptionOrientation)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
Vcl.CaptionedDockTree TCaptionedDockTree


Creates and initializes a TDockTree object.

Vcl.CaptionedDockTree.TCaptionedDockTree.Create inherits from Vcl.Controls.TDockTree.Create. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Controls.TDockTree.Create.

Creates and initializes a TDockTree object.

Create instantiates a new TDockTree object to manage docking operations for the control specified by the DockSite parameter. Typically, applications do not create TDockTree objects. Instead, the windowed control that is the value of the DockSite parameter creates the dock tree when an application sets its UseDockManager property to true.

DockSite is the windowed control that uses the dock tree to manage the docking of child controls. It becomes the value of the DockSite property.

Create initializes the new dock tree to reflect the controls currently docked in DockSite. It then replaces the WindowProc property of DockSite with a method that handles all docking-related messages, passing any other messages on to DockSite's previous window procedure.

See Also