Vcl.Controls.TMouse Properties

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CapturepublicSpecifies the handle of the window that is capturing mouse events.
CursorPospublicSpecifies the position of the mouse cursor.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
DragImmediatepublicSpecifies whether clicking the left mouse button starts a drag event immediately.
DragThresholdpublicSpecifies the number of pixels that the left mouse button must be moved in order to cause a drag operation.
IsDraggingpublicIs there an active dragging operation?
IsPanningpublicReturns the Boolean value True if the panning window is actively panning. .
MousePresentpublicSpecifies whether a mouse is present on the system.
PanningWindowpublicReturns a reference to the active panning window. .
PanningWindowClasspublicThe class type used for creating the panning window class.
RegWheelMessagepublicIndicates the windows message that is sent when the user scrolls the mouse wheel.
WheelPresentpublicSpecifies whether the mouse has a wheel.
WheelRoutingpublicReturns the value used to indicate how Windows treats mouse wheel messages.
WheelScrollLinespublicSpecifies the number of lines that are scrolled for each notch that the mouse wheel is rotated.