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constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;


__fastcall virtual TListControlAction(System::Classes::TComponent* AOwner);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
Vcl.ExtActns TListControlAction


Instantiates and initializes a VCL TCustomAction object.

Vcl.ExtActns.TListControlAction.Create inherits from Vcl.ActnList.TCustomAction.Create. All content below this line refers to Vcl.ActnList.TCustomAction.Create.

Instantiates and initializes a VCL TCustomAction object.

Applications do not need to call the constructor directly. Actions are created automatically when you add them to an action manager (in the Action Manager editor) or action list component (in the Action List editor) at design time.

If you want to create an action at run time, assign a TActionList or TActionManager component to its ActionList property after calling Create.

AOwner is the component that is responsible for freeing the action. It becomes the value of the Owner property.

Create simply calls an inherited System.Actions.TContainedAction.Create constructor.

See Also