Vcl.Forms.TScreen Properties

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ActiveControlpublicIndicates which control currently has input focus on the screen.
ActiveCustomFormpublicIndicates the descendant of TCustomForm that currently has focus.
ActiveFormpublicIndicates which form currently has focus.
ComObjectpublicSpecifies the interface reference implemented by the component.
ComponentCountpublicIndicates the number of components owned by the component.
ComponentIndexpublicIndicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array.
ComponentspublicLists all components owned by the component.
ComponentStatepublicDescribes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions.
ComponentStylepublicGoverns the behavior of the component.
CursorpublicControls the mouse cursor image on a global level.
CursorCountpublicThe number of changes performed on Cursor.
CursorspublicLists the cursors available to the application.
CustomFormCountpublicIndicates the number of forms or property pages displayed on the screen.
CustomFormspublicLists all the forms and property pages that are currently displayed in the application.
DataModuleCountpublicIndicates the number of data modules that are currently instantiated in the application.
DataModulespublicLists all the data modules that are currently instantiated in the application.
DefaultImepublicIndicates which input method editor (IME) is active when the TScreen object is created.
DefaultKbLayoutpublicIndicates the Windows handle to the keyboard layout that was active when the application started running.
DesignInfopublicContains information used by the Form designer.
DesktopHeightpublicSpecifies the height of the entire virtual desktop.
DesktopLeftpublicSpecifies the x-coordinate of the desktop's left edge relative to the upper-left corner of the primary monitor.
DesktopRectpublicSpecifies the boundaries of the virtual desktop relative to the upper-left corner of the primary monitor.
DesktopToppublicSpecifies the y-coordinate of the entire desktop's top edge relative to the upper-left corner of the primary monitor.
DesktopWidthpublicSpecifies the width of the entire virtual desktop.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
FocusedFormpublicProvides a reference to the form that has focus.
FontspublicLists the face names for all fonts supported by the screen.
FormCountpublicIndicates the number of forms displayed on the screen.
FormspublicLists all the forms currently displayed in the application.
HeightpublicIndicates the vertical size of the screen in pixels.
HintFontpublicSpecifies the font used to display help hints.
IconFontpublicSpecifies the font used to display the labels on the icons in file selection dialogs.
ImespublicLists all input method editors (IMEs) installed on the system.
MenuFontpublicSpecifies the font used for menu commands.
MessageFontpublicSpecifies the font used for displaying text in message boxes.
MonitorCountpublicSpecifies the number of monitors used to comprise the desktop.
MonitorspublicProvides access to an individual monitor used to comprise the desktop.
NamepublishedSpecifies the name of the component as referenced in code.
ObserverspublicIndicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent.
OwnerpublicIndicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing this component.
PixelsPerInchpublicIndicates the number of screen pixels that make up a logical inch in the vertical direction.
PrimaryMonitorpublicProvides a reference to the primary monitor.
SaveFocusedListpublicGives a list containing the currently focused forms.
TagpublishedStores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component.
VCLComObjectpublicRepresents information used internally by components that support COM.
WidthpublicIndicates the horizontal size of the screen in pixels.
WorkAreaHeightpublicSpecifies the height of the work area on the primary monitor.
WorkAreaLeftpublicSpecifies the left edge of the work area on the primary monitor.
WorkAreaRectpublicSpecifies the boundaries of the usable work area on the primary monitor.
WorkAreaToppublicSpecifies the top edge of the work area on the primary monitor.
WorkAreaWidthpublicSpecifies the width of the work area on the primary monitor.