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TDataSetTableProducerTDataSetTableProducer assembles a sequence of HTML commands to display the records from a dataset in a tabular format.
TDSTableProducerTDSTableProducer is the base class for objects that produce a set of HTML commands to display the records from a dataset in a tabular format.
TDSTableProducerEditorTDSTableProducer is the base class for the helper object used by TDSTableProducer objects to communicate with a property editor at design time.
THTMLTableColumnTHTMLTableColumn represents the display attributes and field binding of a column in the HTML representation of a dataset.
THTMLTableColumnClassTHTMLTableColumnClass defines the metaclass for THTMLTableColumn.
THTMLTableColumnsTHTMLTableColumns is a collection of THTMLTableColumn objects that describe the display attributes and field bindings of the columns in an HTML representation of tabular data.
THTTPDataLinkTHTTPDataLink helps TDSTableProducer manage its link to the data source.


HtmlTableGenerates the HTML image of a dataset, using the properties and events of a table producer object.


TCreateContentEventTCreateContentEvent is the type of event handlers that indicate whether a table producer component generates the HTML to represent its dataset.
THTMLCaptionAlignmentTHTMLCaptionAlignment indicates the position of the caption for an HTML table.
THTMLColumnStateTHTMLColumnState indicates how an application generates the column descriptors for an HTML table.
THTMLFormatCellEventTHTMLFormatCellEvent is the type of event handlers that customize the appearance of cells in an HTML table.
THTMLGetTableCaptionEventTHTMLGetTableCaptionEvent is the type of event handlers that change the placement or value of an HTML table caption.