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function GetBlob(const ContainerName: String; const BlobName: String; ResponseContent: TStream; const Snapshot: String = ''; StartByte: int64 = 0;
EndByte: int64 = 0; const LeaseId: String = ''; GetMD5: boolean = false): boolean;


bool __fastcall GetBlob(const System::UnicodeString ContainerName, const System::UnicodeString BlobName, System::Classes::TStream* ResponseContent, const System::UnicodeString Snapshot = System::UnicodeString(), __int64 StartByte = 0LL, __int64 EndByte = 0LL, const System::UnicodeString LeaseId = System::UnicodeString(), bool GetMD5 = false);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
DSAzure TAzureBlobService


Downloads the content of a blob.

GetBlob populates the ResponseContent TStream with the content of the blob. StartByte and EndByte can optionally be specified to refine the part of the content returned. If a byte range is specified and GetMD5 is set to True, then the returned result will be the MD5 hash of that range of bytes, provided the range isn't too long. If the range is too long, then the request will fail.

For more details, refer to the MSDN documentation in the See Also section.

See Also