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function ListBlobs(const ContainerName: String; Params: array of const; Values: array of const): String;


System::UnicodeString __fastcall ListBlobs(const System::UnicodeString ContainerName, System::TVarRec *Params, const System::NativeInt Params_High, System::TVarRec *Values, const System::NativeInt Values_High);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
DSAzure TAzureBlobService


Retrieves the list of blobs under the specified container.

ListBlobs retrieves the list of blobs under the container with the given name (ContainerName).

The Params and Values parameters are two arrays that should always be of the same length. Each item in the Params array represents a URI parameter and the corresponding item in the Values array is the value to use for that parameter. Examples of parameters are prefix and maxresults, both of which filter the returned blobs in one way or another.

To get a specific blob, for example, you could call ListBlobs, passing in the blob's name as the prefix value and 1 as the maxresults.

For more information on the available URI parameters, refer to the MSDN documentation in the See Also section.

See Also