Data.Bind.Components.TLinkFillControlToProperty Properties
Active | public | |
AutoActivate | published | |
AutoBufferCount | public | |
AutoFill | published | |
BindControlValue | public | |
BindingsList | public | Specifies a list that holds the binding expressions. |
BindList | public | |
BufferCount | public | |
Category | published | Specifies a category for this component. |
ComObject | public | Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component. |
Component | published | |
ComponentCount | public | Indicates the number of components owned by the component. |
ComponentIndex | public | Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array. |
ComponentProperty | published | |
Components | public | Lists all components owned by the component. |
ComponentState | public | Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions. |
ComponentStyle | public | Governs the behavior of the component. |
Control | published | |
ControlComponent | public | Specifies the component that will be bound to the source component, by means of LiveBindings. |
ControlMemberName | public | |
CustomFormat | published | |
CustomParse | published | |
DesignInfo | public | Contains information used by the Form designer. |
DisplayName | public | Returns a string containing the name of this component. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
FillBreakCustomFormat | published | |
FillBreakFieldName | published | |
FillBreakGroups | published | |
FillDataSource | published | |
FillDisplayCustomFormat | published | |
FillDisplayFieldName | published | |
FillExpressions | published | |
FillHeaderCustomFormat | published | |
FillHeaderExpressions | published | |
FillHeaderFieldName | published | |
FillValueCustomFormat | published | |
FillValueFieldName | published | |
Index | public | Returns the index of this component in the bindings list. |
InitializeControlValue | published | |
ListItemStyle | published | |
Managed | public | |
Name | published | Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code. |
NotifyOutputs | public | |
Observers | public | Indicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent. |
Owner | public | Indicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing this component. |
Tag | published | Stores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component. |
Track | published | |
VCLComObject | public | Represents information used internally by components that support COM. |