IBindSourceAdapter | Is an interface that must be implemented by all classes that provide data to a TAdapterBindSource object. |
IGetMemberObject | Is an interface used for retrieving the underlying object exposed by an adapter field. |
TAdapterBindSource | Bind source which supports adapters to connect to different types of data. |
TBaseListBindSourceAdapter | Represents the adapter base class for providing data to a TAdapterBindSource object. |
TBaseObjectBindSource | Is a bind source that supports adapters to connect to different types of data. |
TBaseObjectBindSourceAdapter | |
TBaseObjectBindSourceDelegate | Base class for bind sources which delegate. |
TBindFieldDef | Is an item in a collection and a field in a LiveBindings data source. |
TBindFieldDefClass | TBindFieldDefClass defines the metaclass for TBindFieldDef. |
TBindFieldDefObjectValueReader | Implements functionality to get a value of a particular object from a field definition, using RTTI. |
TBindFieldDefObjectValueWriter | Implements functionality to set the value of a particular object from a field definition, using RTTI. |
TBindFieldDefs | Is a collection of fields in a LiveBindings data source. |
TBindFieldDefsClass | TBindFieldDefsClass defines the metaclass for TBindFieldDefs. |
TBindFieldDefValueReader | Implements functionality to get the value of a particular field definition, using RTTI. |
TBindFieldDefValueWriter | Implements functionality to set the value of a particular field definition, using RTTI. |
TBindFieldDefWithChildren | Is a collection of bindable field definitions that represent the physical fields underlying a dataset, and also contains a list of child field definitions. |
TBindSourceAdapteObjectFieldGetMemberObject | Is the implementation of the IGetMemberObject interface used to get the object associated with an object field. |
TBindSourceAdapter | Represents the adapter base class for providing data to a TAdapterBindSource object. |
TBindSourceAdapterCustomScope | Is a custom scope that allows the expression engine to access field names as if they are members of the wrapped TBindSourceAdapter object. |
TBindSourceAdapterField | Represents the base class for an adapter field. |
TBindSourceAdapterGetMemberObject | Is the implementation of the IGetMemberObject interface used to get the object associated with an adapter. |
TBindSourceAdapterInstanceFactory | an internal utility class used by TListBindSourceAdapter<T> to create new instances of T class. |
TBindSourceAdapterLink | Is a base class with virtual methods that represents a binding expression that links to a binding source adapter. |
TBindSourceAdapterObjectFieldCustomScope | Is a custom scope used to allow the expression engine to access field names as if they are members of the wrapped field. |
TBindSourceAdapterReadField | Represents an adapter field that supports reading of its value using an exposed Value property. |
TBindSourceAdapterReadObjectField | Represents an adapter field that supports reading of its value using an exposed Value property. It also provides streaming and can be assignable. |
TBindSourceAdapterReadWriteField | Represents an adapter field that supports reading and writing of its value using an exposed Value property. |
TBindSourceAdapterReadWriteObjectField | Represents an adapter field that supports reading and writing of its value using an exposed Value property. It also provides streaming and is assignable. |
TCustomAdapterBindSource | Is the base class for the bind source that supports adapters to connect to different data types. |
TCustomDataGeneratorAdapter | Implements functionality that allows you to define generated fields that can be provided to a TAdapterBindSource. |
TCustomFormatObject | Is internally used as base class for typed custom format objects. |
TCustomPrototypeBindSource | Is a base class that implements a bind source for creating sample data. |
TDataGeneratorAdapter | Implements functionality that allows you to define generated fields that can be provided to a TAdapterBindSource. |
TDelegateValueGenerator | Implements a delegate value generator. |
TFieldValueReader | Implements functionality to get a value of a particular field, using RTTI. |
TFieldValueWriter | Implements functionality to set a value of a particular field, using RTTI. |
TGeneratorBindFieldDefsClass | TGeneratorBindFieldDefsClass defines the metaclass for TGeneratorFieldDefs. |
TGeneratorFieldDef | Defines a generated field in a data source such as TAdapterBindSource. |
TGeneratorFieldDefs | Defines all generated fields in a data source such as TAdapterBindSource. |
TGeneratorRecord | Is the base class that implements a dictionary of strings and variant values (TValue). |
TInternalTypedListValueGeneratorDelegate | |
TListBindSourceAdapter | Implements an adapter for a user-defined generic list of objects. |
TObjectBindSourceAdapter | Implements an adapter to provide an arbitrary object to a TAdapterBindSource object. |
TPropertyValueReader | Implements functionality to get the value of a property, using RTTI. |
TPropertyValueWriter | Implements functionality to set the value of a property, using RTTI. |
TPrototypeBindSource | Is a bind source for creating sample data. |
TTypedCustomFormatObject | Is used to implement custom formatting of a generated value. |
TTypedListValueGeneratorDelegate | Is used to generate sample values. |
TTypedListValueGeneratorDelegate2 | Is used to generate sample values. |
TValueAccessor | Is the base class for reading and writing a value using RTTI. |
TValueGenerator | Is the base class for value generators. |
TValueGeneratorClass | TValueGeneratorClass defines the metaclass for TValueGenerator. |
TValueGeneratorDelegate | This is the base class used by TDelegateValueGenerator to generate sample values. |
TValueGeneratorDelegateWithEvents | Extends TValueGeneratorDelegate with additional events. |
TValueReader | Is the base class for reading a value using RTTI. |
TValueReaderFunc | |
TValueWriter | Is the base class for setting a value using RTTI. |
TValueWriterProc | |