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function GetBucketXML(const BucketName: string; OptionalParams: TStrings;
ResponseInfo: TCloudResponseInfo = nil;
const BucketRegion: TAmazonRegion = amzrNotSpecified): string;


System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetBucketXML(const System::UnicodeString BucketName, System::Classes::TStrings* OptionalParams, Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo* ResponseInfo = (Data::Cloud::Cloudapi::TCloudResponseInfo*)(0x0), const TAmazonRegion BucketRegion = System::UnicodeString());


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI TAmazonStorageService


Returns some or all the objects of a given bucket.

GetBucketXML returns the XML representation of the objects.

GetBucketXML accepts the following parameters:

  • BucketName: The name of the bucket to get the objects for.
  • OptionalParams: A list of Strings that define optional parameters. See the table below for more information. You may specify OptionalParams as nil.
  • ResponseInfo: Optional. Holds the response information.
  • BucketRegion: Optional. The region of the bucket to get the objects for. Default is amzrNotSpecified, which means that this method automatically detects the region of the bucket based on the name of the bucket.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description


Sets the delimiter character to denote a directory (the slash character ('/') is commonly used).


Limits the response to object names that begin with the specified prefix. For example, you may use a prefix to make groups in the same way you use a folder in a file system.


A name of an object to start with when listing objects. The result contains objects that start after the marker.


The maximum number of objects in the result. The default is 1000.


If there are more than 1000 objects available or if you specify the max-keys optional parameter, the ResponseInfo contains a key IsTruncated with a value True. To make another request for the objects that were truncated, pass the value of the Marker key of the last retrieved object as the marker optional parameter in the new method call.

See Also