Contains classes that implement the API that is usable with cloud computing technologies.
Package | CloudService290.bpl |
TCloudAuthentication | Base class for building a signed Authorization String. |
TCloudConnectionInfo | Base connection information class for cloud services. |
TCloudHTTP | The TCloudHTTP class is used to provide HTTP client functionality. |
TCloudQueueMessage | Represents a single message in a cloud service queue. |
TCloudResponseInfo | Class meant to be populated with useful information from an HTTP response. |
TCloudService | Base cloud service class, providing useful common functionality. |
TCloudSHA1Authentication | Implementation of TCloudAuthentication specific to the SHA1 algorithm. |
TCloudSHA256Authentication | Implementation of TCloudAuthentication, specific to the SHA256 algorithm. |
TCloudTableColumn | Represents a single cell of a cloud service table. |
TCloudTableRow | Represents a single row of a cloud service table. |
Decode64 (deprecated) | Decodes a Base64-encoded string. |
DecodeBytes64 (deprecated) | Decodes a Base64-encoded string. |
Encode64 (deprecated) | Base64-encodes the specified string. |
EncodeBytes64 (deprecated) | Base64-encodes the specified bytes. |
GetChildText | Returns the text contained within the child element. |
GetFirstMatchingChildNode | Helper function that returns the first child node of the given name. |
PopulateKeyValuePairs (deprecated) | Populates the provided string list with key/value pairs. |
URLEncode | URL-encodes the specified string. |
XMLEscape (deprecated) | Escapes reserved XML characters in the string. |
TCloudQueue | Used as an identifier for a single queue. |
TCloudQueueMessageItem | |
TQueuePropertyArray |