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property currency default True;


__property currency = {default=1};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Data.DB TCurrencyField


Determines whether the value in the field should be formatted as a currency value.

Data.DB.TCurrencyField.currency inherits from Data.DB.TFloatField.currency. All content below this line refers to Data.DB.TFloatField.currency.

Determines whether the value in the field should be formatted as a currency value.

Use the currency property to specify the formatting of the field for viewing and editing in a data-aware control.

The field is formatted for display using the DisplayFormat property if it is assigned. If DisplayFormat is not assigned, currency determines how the field is formatted for display. If currency is true, the value is formatted for display using the FloatToText function with the ffCurrency formatting code. If currency is false, the value is formatted with the ffGeneral format.

The field is formatted for editing purposes using the EditFormat (or DisplayFormat) property if it is assigned. If neither EditFormat nor DisplayFormat is assigned, currency determines how the field is formatted for editing. If currency is true, the value is formatted for editing using the FloatToText function with the ffFixed formatting code. If currency is false, the value is formatted with the ffGeneral format.

See Also