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Defines classes that implement functionality to work with SQL time stamp values with a high degree of accuracy, and a number of methods for manipulating SQL time stamp values.

Package dbrtl290.bpl


CheckSqlTimeStampChecks whether a TSQLTimeStamp value represents a valid date and time.
CheckSqlTimeStampOffsetChecks whether a TSQLTimeStampOffset value represents a valid date and time.
DateTimeToSQLTimeStampConverts a TDateTime value to a TSQLTimeStamp value.
DateTimeToSQLTimeStampOffsetConverts a TDateTime value to a TSQLTimeStampOffset value.
LocalToUTCConverts a TSQLTimeStamp variable from local time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
SQLDayOfWeekIndicates the day of the week when a specified TSQLTimeStamp value occurs.
SQLTimeStampOffsetToDateTimeConverts a TSQLTimeStampOffset value to a TDateTime value.
SQLTimeStampOffsetToStrConverts a TSQLTimeStampOffset value to a string.
SQLTimeStampToDateTimeConverts a TSQLTimeStamp value to a TDateTime value.
SQLTimeStampToStrConverts a TSQLTimeStamp value to a string.
StrToSQLTimeStampConverts a string to a TSQLTimeStamp value.
StrToSQLTimeStampOffsetConverts a string to a TSQLTimeStampOffset value.
TryStrToSQLTimeStampConverts a string to a TSQLTimeStamp value.
TryStrToSQLTimeStampOffsetConverts a string to a TSQLTimeStampOffset value.
UTCToLocalConverts a TSQLTimeStamp variable from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to local time.
VarIsSQLTimeStampIndicates whether a specified Variant represents a TSQLTimeStamp value.
VarIsSQLTimeStampOffsetIndicates whether a specified Variant represents a TSQLTimeStampOffset value.
VarSQLTimeStampReturns the TVarType constant that identifies the internal type of a Variant as a TSQLTimeStamp value.
VarSQLTimeStampCreateCreates a new Variant that stores its value internally as a TSQLTimeStamp value.
VarSQLTimeStampOffsetReturns the TVarType constant that identifies the internal type of a Variant as a TSQLTimeStampOffset value.
VarSQLTimeStampOffsetCreateCreates a new Variant that stores its value internally as a TSQLTimeStampOffset value.
VarToSQLTimeStampConverts a Variant that represents a TSQLTimeStamp value to the corresponding TSQLTimeStamp.
VarToSQLTimeStampOffsetConverts a Variant that represents a TSQLTimeStampOffset value to the corresponding TSQLTimeStampOffset.


PSQLTimeStampPSQLTimeStamp is a pointer to a TSQLTimeStamp value.
PSQLTimeStampOffsetIs a pointer to a TSQLTimeStampOffset value.
TSQLTimeStampTSQLTimeStamp represents time and date values with a high degree of accuracy.
TSQLTimeStampOffsetTSQLTimeStampOffset represents time and date values with a high degree of accuracy, relative to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


NullSQLTimeStampRepresents a NULL TSQLTimeStamp value.
NullSQLTimeStampOffsetRepresents a NULL NullSQLTimeStampOffset value.