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function BroadcastMessage(const ChannelName: string; const Msg: TJSONValue;
const ArgType: Integer = TDBXCallback.ArgJson): Boolean; overload;
function BroadcastMessage(const ChannelName: string; const CallbackId: string;
const Msg: TJSONValue; const ArgType: Integer = TDBXCallback.ArgJson): Boolean; overload;


bool __fastcall BroadcastMessage(const System::UnicodeString ChannelName, System::Json::TJSONValue* const Msg, const int ArgType = 0x1)/* overload */;
bool __fastcall BroadcastMessage(const System::UnicodeString ChannelName, const System::UnicodeString CallbackId, System::Json::TJSONValue* const Msg, const int ArgType = 0x1)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Datasnap.DSServer TDSServer


Sends a message to all client callbacks.

The BroadcastMessage method sends a message to all client callbacks. BroadcastMessage has two overloads. Call the first overload with the ChannelName, Msg, and ArgType parameters.

The second overload sends a message to all client callbacks with a given registered callback identifier. For this purpose, an additional CallbackId parameter is required in the call.

ChannelName represents the name of the channel callback.

CallbackId is a string representing the identifier of the callback.

Msg is a TJSONValue containing the message to be broadcasted.

ArgType represents a JSON argument.

See Also