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property FilterChar;


__property FilterChar = {default=0};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
FMX.Edit TEdit


Specifies which characters are allowed to be typed into this edit control.

FMX.Edit.TEdit.FilterChar inherits from FMX.Edit.TCustomEdit.FilterChar. All content below this line refers to FMX.Edit.TCustomEdit.FilterChar.

Specifies which characters are allowed to be typed into this edit control.

The FilterChar property specifies a string containing individual characters that are allowed to be typed into this edit control.

For instance, if you set FilterChar to '123abc', then only the a, b, and c letters and the 1, 2, and 3 numerals are allowed to be typed into this edit control. All other characters are ignored. However, note that the uppercase version of a, b, and c are not allowed by this filter string. If you want to add uppercase variants, then FilterChar should be set to '123abcABC'.

To allow for all characters, set FilterChar to an empty string ('').

See Also