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TGridOption = (AlternatingRowBackground, Editing, AlwaysShowEditor, ColumnResize, ColumnMove, ColLines, RowLines,
RowSelect, AlwaysShowSelection, Tabs, Header, HeaderClick, CancelEditingByDefault, AutoDisplacement);


enum class DECLSPEC_DENUM TGridOption : unsigned char { AlternatingRowBackground, Editing, AlwaysShowEditor, ColumnResize, ColumnMove, ColLines, RowLines, RowSelect, AlwaysShowSelection, Tabs, Header, HeaderClick, CancelEditingByDefault, AutoDisplacement };


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
enum public
FMX.Grid FMX.Grid


Defines how grid controls look like and how they behave.

TGridOption values are listed in the following table.

Value Description


Specifies whether the alternate rows of the TGrid control have a background color. Default is False.


Specifies whether you can edit the contents of the TGrid control. Default is True.


Specifies whether a cell of the TGrid control enters the edit mode immediately when selected. Default is False. If AlwaysShowEditor is False, the cell enters edit mode after a click or a key press on a selected cell.


Specifies whether you can resize the columns of the TGrid control. Default is True.


Specifies whether you can change the order of the columns of the TGrid control. Default is True.


Specifies whether the column separator lines of the TGrid control are visible. Default is True.


Specifies whether the row separator lines of the TGrid control are visible. Default is True.


Specifies whether a click on a row in the TGrid control selects that row. Default is False.


Specifies if an update of the content of the cell also immediately selects that cell. Default is False.


Specifies whether you can use the Tab key to cycle through the fields of the TGrid control. Default is True. The normal behaviour of the Tab key in an application is to change focus between the controls. If the Tabs option is enabled and the focus is on the TGrid control, the next Tab key press changes focus to the next cell in the TGrid control instead of changing the focus to another control. The Tabs option does not have any effect if the RowSelect option is enabled.


Specifies whether the header row of the TGrid control is displayed. Default is True.


Does not affect anything. Default is True.


If it is True, the changes on a cell are not applied unless you press return after editing the cell. If it is False, changes while editing a cell are applied when the cell loses the focus. Default is False.


Makes it easier to edit grid cells on a mobile device with a virtual keyboard. If you are editing a cell that is hidden by the virtual keyboard, it produces an automatic displacement of the grid. Default is True.

See Also