FMX.Maps.ICustomMapView Methods

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AddCirclepublicAdds a circle to the map based on the information included in the specified circle descriptor and returns the resulting circle object that has been added to the map.
AddMarkerpublicAdds a marker to the map based on the information included in the specified marker descriptor and returns the resulting marker object that has been added to the map.
AddPolygonpublicAdds a polygon to the map based on the information included in the specified polygon descriptor and returns the resulting polygon object that has been added to the map.
AddPolylinepublicAdds a polyline to the map based on the information included in the specified polyline descriptor and returns the resulting polyline object that has been added to the map.
AddRefpublicIncrements the reference count for this interface.
CaptureBitmappublicTakes a screenshot of the current map view and returns it as a bitmap.
GetBearingpublicGets the bearing from the map in degrees counterclockwise, where 0 equals North.
GetLocationpublicGets the current location of the camera.
GetTiltpublicGets the tilt from the map.
GetZoompublicGets the zoom level from the map.
HidepublicHides the map view.
OptionsChangedpublicNotifies the view that your user changed the specified map options.
QueryInterfacepublicReturns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface.
ReleasepublicDecrements the reference count for this interface.
SetBearingpublicSets the bearing of the map in degrees counterclockwise, where 0 equals North.
SetHostControlpublicDefines the FireMonkey control that contains the map view.
SetLocationpublicMoves the camera to the specified location.
SetMapTypepublicSets the type of the map.
SetTiltpublicSets the tilt of the map.
SetZoompublicSets the zoom level of the map.
ShowpublicShows the map view.
SnapshotpublicTakes a screenshot of the current map view asynchronously.
SupportspublicIndicates whether a given interface supports a specific (another) interface.
UpdateContentFromControlpublicMakes the boundaries of the map view match those of the host control.